A stylish window-sill in the room is designed to solve the problem of lack of space and beautifully beat the existing free space in the apartment and house.
Luxurious kitchen wenge with countertops made of natural stone
There are many key options that allow you to use such an element as a windowsill-tabletop in the room: there are a large number of photos, so it will be easy for fans of extraordinary solutions to search for original ideas. So, if the window is located near the corner of the room, there is the possibility of acquiring a window sill, smoothly turning into a wall in the form of an arc. In this case, a table is formed by the windowsill, at which you can have a meal or do work. If you install such a design in bedroom room, she will do a great job dressing table. The space in the room will become more compact and at the same time uniform, which will create many useful effects..
- Examples of placing compositions in an apartment
- Installation in living rooms
Production: professional advice
To save space in a small kitchen, you can design a window sill as a dining area
Bright kitchen with bright accents on wooden furniture elements. Pay attention to how the window sill smoothly passes into the kitchen
For narrow kitchens, it will be very interesting to design the space around the window with wall cabinets, thus fully integrating it into the work area
Examples of placing compositions in an apartment
There are several basic examples when a window sill, acting as a table, is designed to solve the situation and beautifully beat the free space.
Private home kitchen with a non-standard, protruding outward window frame, which allows you to increase the area of the working surface of the windowsill-tabletop
- When the window is located close to the corner of the room, a smooth transition of the table into the wall will be the right decision, and if you correctly choose the material for the manufacture of the product and its configuration, you can turn a modest small room into a small cozy nest.
A window-sill is also suitable for organizing a small working corner in your home
- If the window structure is located in the center of the room, the owners can afford to purchase a window sill with great depth. Shelves are usually placed on the sides of the product. It turns out that, as it were, the window was built into the workspace, and the windowsill will take the form and form high-grade countertops. This option is perfect for kids room, when the countertop will be used to study the baby.
With the help of the window sill, you can save free space in the children’s room, which is very important for the child
- Another proven progressive solution is the use of countertops on balcony. There are also several options here: you can replace the narrow space with a new worktop, or you can make dining area and turn the balcony space into a kind gazebo. If the room cannot boast of large space, you can alternatively apply a folding table design.
The terrace design in a private house with the help of a window sill
- The window sill is widely used as a table in the kitchen, not only in small rooms, but also in spacious chambers. This design can be attributed to the dining area, or it can be made as an element kitchen set.
Spacious kitchen with a large panoramic window on almost the entire wall. The window sill looks very organic in this design of space
Sill-countertop in the room, options, photos of which are presented in wide abundance, the best option for the owner of a modern apartment.
How to make a choice?
With a huge abundance of designs, it is important to take into account the fact that their effectiveness depends on the quality of the material from which the product is made.
- For kitchen room the best option would be a moisture-resistant material, for example, in order for a window-sill to be made, MDF material is relevant, or other resources equipped with a coating that is resistant to moisture.
A sill-countertop in a bright kitchen made of MDF, which supports the general mood of the room
- Effectively and originally look products from modern polymers, through which imitation of natural stone surface – marble, malachite.
A window-sill made of a very practical polymer that imitates the drawing of natural stone
- An expensive and noble option is the installation of countertops made of marble or granite. This combination will give your room a luxurious interior..
- If you plan to implement this idea in houses outside the city, the best option would be to make an interesting natural wood countertops.
A very comfortable option for the design of the workspace, based on the windowsill-countertops, in the corridor of a private house in the country
Since this idea is relatively new, it is problematic to buy ready-made designs of the required parameters, shapes and materials. But this is not a problem, because the window sill-countertop in the room to order is an ideal solution.
Sill-countertop in the room and in the kitchen
If a the kitchen is small and is narrow, the main goal of the owners should be competent space planning.
A small kitchen in pastel colors with a wooden kitchen set and a very practical tabletop window sill
Tip! It is forbidden to do an overload on one part of the kitchen, and in the second half leave a lot of free space. A windowsill can become dysfunctional and ineffective. But in an educated place you can put houseplants, souvenirs, photo frames.
A cozy small kitchen in a private house in the country. Countertop sill – a great solution to save free space
Several solutions
If there is no more space, you can not install the dining table in the kitchen room at all, but move it to another place. Thanks to such castling, it will be possible to allocate free space for dishwasher or for washing, if there is also little space in your bathroom.
In the kitchen under the windowsill-tabletop, you can integrate the necessary electrical equipment
A practical option may be to install a folding stand, especially relevant this solution will be for small kitchen. In the process of cooking, the main part of the countertop goes down so as not to interfere with the process, and after completion before lunch, it returns to its original position.
Tip! If you want to put folding table in the kitchen, this is best done if you have a large window sill width. While the table is not assembled, free space will act as a stand for pots and other utensils.
Thus, the window-sill in the kitchen is an effective solution to the organization of free space and the best option for decorating it.
The window-sill looks very harmonious in the kitchens with large panoramic windows on the whole wall
Installation in living rooms
If you want to organize in the living room Coffee table or study, but you don’t have enough free space for this, why not turn the window sill into a table?
The window sill can be used not only in kitchens, it is very practical in other rooms of your house
Tip! You can organically fit a window into the work area if you are placed on both sides of the table shelving, shelves. In this case, the window sill will be turned into a desktop on which you can put a computer, textbooks for the child, souvenirs, folders and paper.
A corner window-sill-countertop is a good option for the design of the workspace of the student. It can be supplemented with shelves and a cupboard case for greater convenience
Sill countertop (material in the nursery can be anything) – a practical solution for a wide range of issues.
Bright children’s room for a girl with a very comfortable corner window-sill-countertop
- A small chest of drawers with drawers right under the countertop.
You can arrange additional storage space in the corridor of your home under the original tabletop windowsill
- The window sill itself acts as a place for the installation of household appliances, electronics.
Luxurious kitchen with a wooden kitchen unit and a panoramic window on the whole wall, decorated with a sill-countertop
- If in the area under the window is missing Radiator, such a decision will become quite acceptable and competent.
A simple window sill made of natural wood is perfect for a small workplace
- If there is a heating radiator, free space can be used as installation false fireplace or other original design to make space more structured.
Bright, spacious living room with a small sill-countertop
- If you want to organize an exquisite style in the bathroom, especially if it has a window design, you can achieve amazing results by installing a window sill under the sink.
Very atmospheric bathroom with natural solid wood window sill
With the help of a window sill, you can more compactly equip a bathroom and accommodate all the necessary electrical equipment in a small area
- In the bedroom, the window sill can smoothly go to the head the beds, and if you add to it original cabinets, you can decorate the space in the best way.
A cozy bedroom in a private house with a low window-sill, which perfectly replaces the bedside table
The table top instead of the window sill in the room is an appropriate and effective solution for small rooms and spacious rooms.
Production: professional advice
Not everyone can afford the purchase of a finished product. countertops even if it is made of artificial stone. If you want to save money, try your hand as a designer and enjoy the result, you can make a countertop in the kitchen yourself. To translate the idea into reality, you will need a little woodworking experience and special tools. At the end of the workflow, you get an amazing result..
Compact and convenient to use do-it-yourself window sill made of natural wood
Preparatory procedures
- Determining the optimal size of the countertop: usually it is 40-80 cm wide, it all depends on the functionality, configuration and design.
- If you plan to install countertops as kitchen table, then the depth indicator should be 50-80 cm.
Thanks to the correct depth of the window-sill, you can complement the work surface with additional elements of the kitchen set
- If you are installing a cabinet, just select a product with a width of 35-40 cm.
- The height parameter accordingly equals the height of the window sills that are installed in your house.
With proper execution, the window sill will look quite succinctly in the overall interior
Tip! Before proceeding with the manufacture of the product, it is important to correctly measure. The first condition is the absence of interference from the product when trying to close the window.
With the help of a window sill, you can arrange a very comfortable workplace
Artificial window sill countertops have support in the form of pedestal from one position, and from the other – they are fastened under the window as an ordinary window sill.
Laconic kitchen with a window-sill, smoothly turning into a kitchen set
Work order
Making folding elements with your own hands is quite simple, while the dimensions and parameters can be changed in several directions. The main steps are carried out in order, when you follow the recommendations of professionals you will get amazing results.
To make a product yourself, you need to start with cutting out the base. This is done using a special jigsaw made of the material you have chosen as the base. For example, it can be plywood with increased moisture resistance. The thickness of the material is 12 mm on average.
You can highlight a part of the window-sill with a slight elevation near the window frame, which will resemble a classic window sill
Installation of the base is carried out from a pedestal; fastening to them is carried out by means of special nails. If you wish, you can organize the independent production of cabinets and other products. There is an opportunity to purchase finished modules in special furniture stores.
Bright kitchen with tabletop windowsill imitating natural black marble
The base is fastened to the windowsill, using z-shaped brackets.
At this stage, the base is lined, and any material is used, depending on your personal preferences. Usually used sheets of chipboard, MDF, ceramic tile or decorative mosaic. Pebbles have proven themselves lately..
You can integrate the sink into the countertop of the kitchen windowsill
Tip! If for high-quality facing works you will use tiles of the same color and texture as for the manufacture apron, you will get a quality complete interior.
How to be with tiles
- It can be glued using ordinary glue..
- Glue is applied to the base, on top of it you need to carefully lay out the tile structures, observing the minimum gaps.
- At the end of the work, the joints are rubbed with a special grout.
- Ceramic or plastic material must be glued along the window opening and kitchen walls; molding or sealant is usually used. But such masking of joints should go through the update stage from time to time..
- Using the pre-selected furniture edge, the ends of the countertops are glued.
Atmospheric kitchen with a wooden kitchen set and a very comfortable to use window sill
A self-made window sill with a countertop will be an excellent option in terms of saving money and in terms of creating a luxurious interior in any room. Having made such a design once, you will want to ennoble the room and create sophistication and light charm in it. Using tips can help you create beauty in your home..
Spacious, light-colored kitchen with practical worktop