DIY flooring technology
Those who want to emphasize their status, prosperity and good taste should pay attention to parquet when choosing a floor covering. It has high reliability, environmental friendliness, good wear resistance and excellent appearance. The process of laying parquet has always been one of the most difficult types of work, but with the advent of massive parquet board everything has become much easier. Laying a parquet board is quite simple, and you can do it yourself, the main thing is to be able to use the tool and follow certain rules and recommendations.
- Types of parquet board
- The specifics of laying parquet boards
- Preparing the base for installation
- Prepare a wooden floor
- Preparing a rough concrete base
Types of parquet board
Today on the market there are two types of parquet board: massive parquet board and multi-layer parquet board. They differ in the method of production..
Massive parquet board made of a single piece of wood with a groove and a comb at the ends. Both hardwood and coniferous wood are used for its manufacture..
Multilayer parquet board consists of different types of wood
Multi-layer parquet board It is created by combining several types of wood with different characteristics, thereby achieving exceptional performance characteristics of the board. For the first layer of lamellas, species of hard and valuable types of wood are used. The appearance and strength of the parquet board will depend on the first layer. The second layer of lamellas is perpendicular to the first, and softwood is taken for it. This layer is used as a connecting element both for this panel and for neighboring ones. The third layer is made of plywood or lamellas from pine or spruce up to 4 mm thick.
In addition, the parquet board is already sold with a coating applied at the factory and impregnated with fungi and rot. Regardless of the type of parquet board, its durability and strength are directly affected by the observance of production technology, storage and installation. And if it is impossible to influence the production process and storage conditions, then the laying process can be controlled, but it is better to do it yourself.
The specifics of laying parquet boards
To create a strong and durable floor covering from a parquet board, skill in using the tool will not be enough. If during the work you do not adhere to the laying technology, reliable and beautiful parquet will fail. Therefore, before laying a parquet board, it is necessary to perform a series of preparatory work and adhere to certain technological requirements.
- First of all, what you should pay attention to is the base on which the parquet board will be laid. It should be smooth, strong, without cracks, indentations, and drops. The maximum permissible height difference is 2 mm per 1 linear meter. If the base is damaged, it should be repaired or rebuilt.
- The second important point that you should pay attention to is the humidity level in the room. Parquet board does not tolerate high humidity, so its laying in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen is undesirable.
- Thirdly, after the acquisition and delivery of the floorboard, it must be allowed to mature in the room for 48 hours. And only after the board “gets used” to the microclimate of the room, you can begin to lay it.
- Fourth, in order to get a really strong and durable coating, during installation in the room it is necessary to observe a certain level of humidity, within 35-65%, and temperature – not lower than +18 ° C.
Laying scheme
Another requirement for laying parquet boards is the presence of a substrate and waterproofing, regardless of the type of base and room. Directly parquet board should be laid in the direction of the rays of light to hide the shadows at the joints.
Preparing the base for installation
Before laying the floorboard, the surface is leveled with a self-leveling mixture
Installation of a parquet board can be done both on concrete and on a wooden base. The main requirements for it are strength, reliability and a flat surface. Therefore, before laying, it is necessary to conduct an audit of the base and, if necessary, carry out work on its repair.
Prepare a wooden floor
If the parquet board will be laid on a wooden floor, you should check it for dips, creaks and differences between the floorboards. If the floor is in excellent condition, but there are small differences and gaps between the floor boards, then it must be leveled. To do this, the surface can be cycled and puttyed, then sanded and proceed with further installation work. If the floorboards creak or hang out a little, they can be fixed to the logs using self-tapping screws, and the surface can be looped and puttyed. But if the wooden floor fails, you have to disassemble it to the log, align or partially replace them, and then reassemble the entire structure.
Preparing a rough concrete base
With a concrete base, the situation is somewhat simpler. Its surface should be checked for cracks, drops or indentations. If any are present, the surface should be cleaned of debris, poured with a self-leveling mixture and allowed to dry for several days. But if the concrete has cracked, turned into dust and in some places staggered, then it will be necessary to remove the old concrete screed to the base with a puncher and pour in a new one. And only after the concrete has dried, you can start laying the floorboard.
How to stack a parquet board
Before you put a parquet board, you need to decide on the method of its installation. There are only two of them – glue and glueless (floating).
Bonding the floorboard to the base creates a monolithic structure
The adhesive way of laying allows you to create a durable and reliable coating in rooms with a large area. The process itself is quite time-consuming and requires increased attention and accuracy of work. In addition, if it becomes necessary to replace one panel, you will have to tinker a lot and, possibly, replace several neighboring panels at once. The glueless method is the simplest and fastest. The panels themselves are interconnected in a lock and laid on a substrate, while the lock connection is sometimes glued.
Installation of a parquet board carried out as follows:
- on a concrete or wooden base we lay waterproofing from a plastic film. We put overlays of the film overlap (15 – 20 cm) and glue together with tape. We also make a 10-15 cm overlap on the walls and glue it with tape;
- on top of the film we lay the substrate. For these purposes, you can use foamed polyethylene, polystyrene or cork. Polyethylene foam and cork are sold in rolls, and polystyrene in the form of mats. We spread the canvases of foamed polyethylene and cork along the entire length of the room and glue them with tape. We put the polystyrene mats back to back and “apart”, we glue the joints at the joints with tape. If the plans are to create an absolutely eco-friendly flooring, then cork should be used as a substrate.
The glue method of laying parquet boards requires a base of moisture-proof plywood
Important! If an adhesive method of laying a parquet board is planned, then waterproof plywood is used as a substrate. Her sheets are laid directly on the base and secured with screws. We begin to lay from the walls, moving to the middle of the room so that the last row of sheets lies between the two previously laid.
- Now you need to make small calculations of the number of rows of floorboards. If there is a need to trim the last row, and its width will be less than 5 cm, then you will have to make the first and last row of the same width;
The first row of the parquet board is laid with a spike against the wall (the spike is pre-cut)
- stack the panels of the first row with a spike to the wall;
Important! For a snug fit, the spike on the longitudinal side of the panels must be cut.
- since the tree has the ability to expand or dry out depending on the seasonal level of humidity, it is necessary to leave a gap of 10 – 15 cm between the wall and the parquet board. In order to maintain this gap during installation, we insert special pegs. On the longitudinal side of one panel we put three pegs, and on the narrow two;
For a snug fit, we finish the parquet boards with a hammer
- panels of the first row are connected together in a lock. To do this, each next panel at a slight angle we put a spike into the groove of the previous one and for a snug fit we finish with a hammer through a wooden block;
In addition to gluing the parquet board to the base, we fix it with pneumatic nails in the groove
Important! If we use the adhesive method of laying, then before laying each new panel at the place of its laying, apply glue and level it with a notched trowel. The panels are additionally fixed with pneumatic nails in an inconspicuous place – inside the groove. It is necessary to ensure that the parquet panels at narrow joints do not form ledges or bevels.
- in order for the parquet to be a reliable and durable floor covering, it should be laid “apart”. Therefore, we begin to stack the second row with a shorter board. To do this, you will have to cut the board so that it is 2/3 of the normal length;
- the second row of panels is connected to each other in the same way as the first, then the whole row is pushed to the first and connected. Panels of the second row at a slight angle are inserted into the groove of the first row and for a more snug fit we finish the panels with a hammer through a bar. We do this gradually, first the first panel, then the second and so on to the end;
Important! The last panels in each row should be finished with a clamp. With the adhesive laying method, the second row is stacked by means of a set. To do this, glue is applied to the installation site and the parquet panel is immediately laid, which is achieved with a hammer, and only after that the next is laid. We fix the second row of panels in the same way as the first.
If the adhesive partially protrudes at the joints, wipe it with a damp cloth.
- we start laying the third row of panels from the board, the length of which is 1/3 of the normal. Then laying is carried out according to the algorithm of the first and second row;
- we start laying the fourth row from the whole panel. We stack each next row, completely repeating the above-described stacking algorithm of the first four rows;
- laying the parquet board near the doorways, it is necessary to make cuts in the board so that it fits snugly on the racks of the door frame;
- special attention must be paid to places in the room where the riser of the heating pipes passes. To make laying in such places, it is necessary to mark the position of the pipes on the parquet board. After that, drill a hole for a pipe with a diameter of 2 mm larger than the pipe itself, and cut off part of the board strictly in the middle of the hole. Now we put in place most of the board, fix it. Apply glue to the ends of the cut piece and put it in place. Around the pipe we put a special plug in the same color as the parquet;
- when the parquet board is laid over the entire area of the room, we take out the pegs between the wall and the first row;
- The final stage of laying parquet boards is the installation of skirting boards. The baseboard itself is attached to a special fixture – kleimer. To install the baseboard, first cut off the protruding part of the substrate and waterproofing with a knife. Then we install the first kleimers at a distance of 15 – 20 cm from the corners, set the next kleimers in increments of 40 – 50 cm. The kleimers for the baseboard are attached to the wall using dowels and screws.
Important! If glue was used during installation, it is necessary to allow it to dry for 24 hours, after which the floor covering from the parquet board will be ready for use.
Parquet board and “warm floor”
Parquet board itself is a fairly good thermal insulation material, in addition, the substrate provides additional thermal insulation. But if there is a need for additional heating, then the parquet board can be laid on the “warm floor” system. The main thing to consider is the type of “warm floor”. It should be water-heated, but not electric. The fact is that “warm floors” with electric heating gain too high a temperature too quickly, and as a result, the lock connection of the parquet board begins to crack due to a sharp temperature drop.
Also, before starting the installation process, it is necessary to turn off the system in advance and allow the floors to cool to room temperature, and only after that start installation. Upon completion of all installation work on the parquet board, the “warm floor” system can be turned on no earlier than 7 days later and the temperature can be raised to the previous one gradually, by 2-3 degrees a day. In addition, so that the floor from the parquet board does not “lead”, the temperature on the entire surface should be the same. If the “warm floor” system is installed in all rooms, it is necessary to make sure during installation that in each room the parquet floor ends in the doorways.
Parquet board served as an alternative to classic parquet, which made it possible to create beautiful and natural floors on their own, very significantly saving on the services of hired craftsmen. But, like any natural material, a parquet board requires thorough work and compliance with all the norms, requirements and recommendations of the manufacturer, observing which you can create a reliable and durable floor covering.