How and what is better to paint the lining
Lining is a board from selected wood, which is lined with facades of houses, walls and ceilings indoors, balconies, loggias, verandas. The advantages of the lining mass. It is durable, contributes to an even distribution of the humidity level in the room, prevents condensation stagnation, perfectly retains heat, has improved soundproofing properties, and its aesthetic appearance and pleasant woody smell are beyond competition. So that the wood does not darken over time and does not lose its former attractiveness due to adverse external influences, it must be protected with special coatings. Below we will describe in detail how and how to paint the lining inside the house, outside, on balconies, loggias, terraces.
- What is painted facade clapboard
- What to choose?
What is painted facade clapboard
The lining is the most prone to aging and destruction, with which the facades of buildings are sheathed. It is influenced by: moisture, ultraviolet radiation, the reproduction of microorganisms that cause rot, mold fungi, insect pests. The best option is if for exterior decoration you purchase a lining made of coniferous wood. It is advisable to do this, since the resin contained in these tree species serves as an excellent natural antiseptic that protects the material from fungi, it also prevents the penetration of moisture, therefore conifers are much more durable than hardwoods. But such a lining must be treated with special means to improve its operational and preserve aesthetic qualities.
To protect wood surfaces, there are several types of coatings. The main ones are:
– glazing (translucent) antiseptics;
– covering (opaque) antiseptics;
– oil paints;
– acrylate paints;
– very popular acrylic scuba diving and alkyd varnishes.
Lining on the facade is painted with blue paint, performing a protective and decorative function
What to choose?
- Antiseptic coatings are absorbed into the wood a few millimeters in depth and protect the surface of the lining from the effects of UV radiation, atmospheric precipitation, mold, blue and rot.
- Translucent antiseptics preserve the wood texture perfectly, give it a more saturated color tone, better than other coatings emphasize the natural beauty, wood pattern.
- Opaque antiseptics completely cover the wood texture, keeping only the relief of the wooden surface visible..
The facade of the house is lined with clapboard painted with a translucent antiseptic
Of all types of coatings for facade treatment, it is preferable to use glazing antiseptics of proven manufacturers. Judge for yourself: if after using paint the natural natural charm of the wood coating is lost forever, then translucent substances will preserve and emphasize the structure of the material.
After all, it was precisely this goal that you pursued when you upholstered the facade with a lining, didn’t you? Read the instructions well. Choose coatings that are not afraid of low temperatures. You can also purchase any other type of varnishes and paints, for the most part they are universal, the difference sometimes consists only in the number of layers. To process the facade of the house you need to apply at least 3 layers.
How to paint the lining on the balcony and indoors
On balconies, loggias and verandas, the lining on the walls is better covered with scuba diving, and the floors with alkyd varnishes (naturally, if they are wooden). In the same way, it is recommended to process the lining indoors. But this is true for those who want to protect this wood coating, while preserving its pristine natural appearance. Usually, pine is used as the indoor material. Its initial shade is golden, varnishes prevent its darkening, which is inevitable, if not processed by such means.
It is advisable to use various types of paints for those who want to change the color of the walls in accordance with the interior of the sheathed room. After all, with the help of paints the lining can be given any desired color – from snow-white to, for example, bright red. The most popular are semi-gloss water-based paints, which are designed for wood and metal. Usually spent 1 liter of paint per 10 square meters. meters.
The walls of the balcony are upholstered with scuba lining
Technology step by step
To process the lining you will need:
- Paint tray
- Bucket
- Protective glasses
- Lacquer
- Paint
- Brush (sometimes a spray gun or roller may come in handy)
- Stairs
- Pumice
- Primer
Paint the lining in two layers with small strokes, trying to achieve uniform application of paint
Further, the sequence of actions will be as follows:
1. Cleaning the surface of dust, dirt and traces of the old composition. This is a very important stage. Varnishes and paints must not be applied to a dirty surface. Therefore, they clean off all dirt and old paint with a brush or scraper, and rinse well with water. If the rags of the old composition on the lining hold firmly enough, then you can try to rinse it with a solution of soda (300 g per bucket of water (hot)). Usually this is enough to clean everything well. Mold can be removed with a special mold remover. Old cladding, rotten and curved boards must be replaced with new ones. For cleaning, you can use bleaches or a special clarifying stain. For better adhesion of the paint to the surface, you can degrease it with alkaline detergents
2. Grinding the entire surface of the wood. This can be done quite effectively with ordinary pumice..
3. Applying a primer antiseptic if necessary. This stage can be skipped, but for the longevity of the applied work composition, these are best done. The fact is that pine, spruce and many other tree species have so-called “tar pockets” in the area of sawn knots. Resin, which from time to time stands out from such formations, reduces the protective properties of a septic tank or paint. Primers are different: both for external, separately and for internal works, they produce both antifungal and anti-mold primers, etc. They significantly extend the life of coatings. Therefore, previously problematic areas of the lining are primed and wait until the primer dries (usually the lining dries out in a day).
4. The final step is to coat the surface with paint or transparent antiseptics. To apply them, use a spray gun, roller or brush. The topcoat is applied to the lining with a thin layer, making continuous brush strokes from top to bottom. It is recommended to avoid brushing repeatedly in the same place. Paint only the tips of the bristles of the brush, but not the base. When the first layer dries, apply the second, and then the third, if necessary. It is worth considering that several thin layers will last longer than 1 thick. The final layer is applied from top to bottom, otherwise the stains from the brush will be noticeable.
The ceiling of the lining is painted white
Useful Tips
If you want to really perform high-quality painting and want the service life of the paintwork on the lining to be as long as possible, we recommend that you observe the following tips
- Mix the paint as thoroughly as possible before and during painting, otherwise the color and gloss of the coating will be uneven.
- Make a trial painting, for example, on a small area of an unused board. So you can check the correctness of the selected color.
- It is best to paint with a brush. But do not apply too thick layers to avoid uneven color and gloss.
- Do not be surprised, but sometimes in the course of work you may find the handy of a tsigakeovy gloves. The secret is that the lining can alternate with pipes and other metal elements. It is very difficult to paint the removed pipes, since one side is always on the ground. Therefore, simply twist the cygeik mitten with the fur outward, put it on your hand and lower it into the paint to use as a brush. In 1 minute in such a peculiar way it is possible to paint up to 5 m of pipe.
- Try to tint the primer in the color that will most closely match the upcoming paintwork..
- Do not paint under direct sunlight, otherwise the paint may not dry out quickly. It is better not to paint in bright, sunny weather and on hot days, as well as on days of rainfall. Optimal weather for painting – windless, cloudy and warm.
- The ends of the boards are the weakest points, through them the water is most quickly and easily absorbed into the wood, which is why they require particularly careful processing. Cover them with several coats of primer..
- Keep in mind when planning to paint the facade of a building – if there are no gross structural defects on the lining, you can simply paint it again in the same or different color. It is only necessary to adhere to one rule: for repeated painting always use the same coating that was present on the lining earlier. Types of paints are easy to identify visually. Acrylate paint cracks in the direction of the wood fibers and has a leathery surface. It can be torn off and rolled into a tube, while it does not break. With such an experiment, the oil paint will break apart with a bang. An antiseptic usually has a glossy film. The surface with an antiseptic may be repainted with it, or with oil paint.
All the recommendations given in this article are aimed both at extending the lining’s service life, and at improving its aesthetic appearance. Indeed, without special paint protection, it will very soon darken, mold, fungi and other microorganisms provoking decay will appear on it. Choosing the optimal coating, you can significantly extend the life of the lining, as well as design your interior in any style you like..