How to decorate the yard and garden
There is no better way to decorate any courtyard, garden or cottage, than the decoration of flowering vegetation. To break amazing flower beds in the country with your own hands, you will have to make considerable efforts and spend time. But, now for this it is not necessary to turn to the help of gardening or landscape design specialists. Information from the Internet or literature will help even a novice summer resident. Here you can not only choose your favorite project, but also learn about the rules for caring for the right plants.
- Planning is the key to success
- We think over the landing pattern
- Do the markup on the site
- We choose plants depending on the seasonality of flowering
Planning is the key to success
Not every beginner gardener will especially think about how to make a flower garden in the country. It seems that this is the simplest task – to acquire the flora you like and drop everything in the intended place. And the more diverse the vegetation, the more beautiful the result. Alas, it is only possible to get a plantation of a rather sloppy appearance. Where the vegetation will not be combined neither in height, nor in the color scheme of greens and flowers, nor in shape. The flowering time of its various species also varies. It’s a shame to get such unenviable results after all the worries about growing.
Flower beds in a country house of amazing beauty, photos of which fascinate us, are not obtained by thoughtless planting of flowers in a row. This is a deliberate and well-planned work, initially requiring a clear plan. Drawing up the correct scheme of a flower bed will require not only knowledge in botany, but also a sufficiently developed artistic taste, designer vein. Without this necessary set of qualities, it is better to break flower beds with your own hands according to an already prepared layout. So it’s much easier to get a beautiful flowering corner on your site. It will only be necessary to prepare the place and the soil. And also buy and plant in the order specified by the scheme the types of plants provided.
An example of a ready-made breakdown scheme for a flower garden
Due to the peculiarities of vegetation and the surrounding landscape, the decorated corner will acquire its own individuality and will be unique. Do not be afraid that when using a ready-made scheme, your flower garden in the garden will turn out to be typical, uninteresting. There are so many free plans that it’s unlikely that your neighbors will get the idea to use exactly what you liked.
We think over the landing pattern
Choosing a ready-made plan, or developing your own, you will have to work out many points. For example, determine the type of flower garden (whether you need a large mixborder, discount, border or just a flower arrangement in a container). Rockeries or rocky slides can look very profitable. Now different tiered flower beds are in demand, forms for which you can make yourself or buy ready-made.
Consider whether the plant complex will be located in a shaded or sunny space, what is the main viewing angle, the preferred flowering time, perennials or annuals, it is advisable to use whether watering is available, etc. Each of these aspects is important.
Perennials are recommended to be selected so as to provide long-lasting decorativeness of the plantation.
For example, regarding the selection of groups of plants used. Annuals have a number of advantages: a wide variety of forms, relative ease of care and undemanding, longer flowering. But, having broken the flower garden out of perennials or bulbs, it is possible to postpone the repeated work of digging the land, acquiring and planting plants for several years. However, usually their flowering period is short, up to 3 weeks. After which decorativeness is lost. The situation is saved by the correct selection of sequentially flowering species, which should be taken into account by a competent scheme. Although, usually to ensure continuous flowering, they try to combine all these groups of vegetation.
Annuals bloom for a long time, and therefore are perfect for creating plant patterns
Do the markup on the site
Some still prefer to plan their future flowerbed on their own. This can be a fun experience. It is advisable not to use more than 5-10 species of different plants, especially in a small space. To beautifully design and ennoble the site, you need to know exactly what is planted. To choose the ones that are combined in height, flowering calendar, color scheme, environmental requirements (light or shade, preferred moisture, soil type and acidity, etc.). It is important to take into account the stability of the decorativeness of their greens. Often beautiful foliage is preferable to spectacular inflorescences..
For those who have never created flower gardens with their own hands, a video of experienced gardeners on this topic will be useful. After reviewing several scenes, you can not only learn the advice of professionals, but also see firsthand the rules for breaking down a plot, processing soil and planting vegetation.
Any project should be accompanied by an explication, where names and varieties of plants, their quantity and optimal distances during planting are given. When breaking down the terrain, the scheme is transferred using scaling and marking with pegs, cords. You can use wire, cardboard or plywood templates that are laid on the ground and circled. Complex figures or floral ornaments sometimes duplicate from the plan, using a large-scale square grid. To create real floral pictures, especially on the slopes, it is convenient to use a projection lamp (epidemioscope). For it, color transparencies are pre-made for which the color of leaves and inflorescences are marked, and the name of each planted variety is given.
An interesting solution is to plant flora in tiers
We choose plants depending on the seasonality of flowering
Often the owners of the plots want flowerbeds and flower beds in the country to be pleasing to the eye from the beginning of spring to the winter cold. To do this, take into account the seasonality of vegetation used flora.
In the spring, primroses, as well as bulbs, will attract all attention. The first to bloom are primroses, crocuses, forget-me-nots, snowdrops and blueberries. Following them decorate the world of Pilsatilla (dream grass), Corydalis. From March-April, the narrow-leaved medunica, beautiful tulips and yellow doronicum daisies bloom. Most primroses are stunted perennials. They look most spectacular when landing along the edges of the flower beds. By May, a lush white color will cover the Caucasian Arabis, perfectly suited for the decoration of borders. Small pansies, multicolor daisies and fragrant lilies of the valley will open. Larger daffodils, irises will bloom. The tall imperial hazel grouse is lit by the orange flame of flowers, well suited for placement in the center of the composition. Closer to summer, fragrant balls of well-known peonies will appear..
A riot of colors that marks the spring awakening of nature
Summer flower gardens and garden compositions can be formed from such a wide range of plants that it is easy to get confused in it. Experts advise to pay special attention to long flowering species or those that are able to bloom repeatedly. Among perennial sunflowers are daylilies, certain varieties of roses, garden geranium, Missouri evening primrose, catnip, and umbilicus. Dolphiniums, lupins, erigerone, and sage oak can form inflorescences again. To do this, prune after the primary flowering and fertilize with appropriate fertilizers.
Summer is the time of flowering of many types of annuals
You can think about how to break a flower garden in the country, attractively looking in the fall. So that on sunny days and in the rain the mood would look at this beauty. You can plant beautiful asters, dahlias, coreopsis, a variety of chrysanthemums, marigolds, gelenium, stonecrops. The accompanying decorative herbs will give special charm to the selected flower ensemble..
The golden and crimson splendor of an autumn flowerbed
Even if you can’t get one of the plants envisaged by the project or the scheme of the flower garden, you don’t have to give up the idea you like. You can replace the missing look with a similar color scheme, height and flowering time. In addition, the plan does not have to be scrupulously followed. It can simply be taken as a basis. And then – to create beauty, following the spiritual inspiration and your own discretion.