Having a dog, we not only get a four-legged faithful friend, but also become his caring owners. After all, in response to devotion, you need to show your concern for him. For example, if a pet lives on the street, he needs a house where he would hide from the weather at night. By the way, you can make a dog house with your own hands, even without building skills. What is needed for this and where to start, now we’ll figure it out.
- Doghouse size.
- Sketch and drawings of a dog house.
- Materials for the construction of the booth.
- Making a house for a four-legged friend.
- A place for a ready-made dog home
Doghouse size
At the first stage of work on a house for a four-legged friend, you need to determine its size. It is necessary to think carefully over them, since it depends on how comfortable your pet will feel in his house. It is a mistake to believe that only a small booth will become uncomfortable for a dog. Too big she also feels uncomfortable.
If the animal has already reached a peak in its growth, then it is necessary to measure its parameters and make a house based on them. For example, in depth, the booth should be 5 cm longer than the length of the pet from the tip of the nose to the tail. The width of the building should reach approximately its height, to which 5 cm is added. The hole is made 5 cm wider than the girth of the dog’s chest, and its height is 5 cm greater than its height at the withers.
True, if you only take a puppy to your house, then you will have to focus on the average values that are indicated in the directories.
By the way, the size of the booth affects not only convenience: it also depends on whether the pet will freeze during the winter season. Therefore, in the northern regions it is especially important to build a house that strictly meets the listed requirements. If you live closer to the south, then you can make it a little more, exceeding the recommended numbers by 5 cm.
The house should be of such a scale that the pet could turn around in it and comfortably lie down
There are also indicative dimensions that can be followed when making dog housing. For example, if you will build a kennel for a shepherd with your own hands, then it should be at least 95 cm high with a width and depth of 1.4 m and 1 m. The same applies to buildings for other large breeds. For an animal of medium height, a house with a height of 80 cm, a width and a depth of 1.25 m and 0.75 m, respectively, is suitable. And for a small dog, there are enough dwellings measuring 0.7 by 0.5 (width and depth) at a height of 0.6 cm.
Sketch and drawings of a dog house
Having made the necessary calculations, you can think about how to make a dog house with your own hands and draw an appropriate sketch. After all, the structure may look completely different, in accordance with your taste or in harmony with the surrounding landscape.
But there are some recommendations that experts recommend adhering to, so that the home for the pet is not only pleasant to your eye, but also comfortable. For example, the entrance should be located in the long part of the house, slightly shifting it in any direction relative to the center.
When making a home for a four-legged guard, you need to make sure that the sharp edges of the nails do not stick out of the boards anywhere
If you do not have the skills to work with construction tools, then it will be easier for you to make a shed roof. But the gable version still looks prettier. If there is a desire to craft, then you can make a roof with a small attic, and in it you will store dog toys, dishes, food.
Finally, it’s quite simple to make a booth with your own canopy: it will look much more attractive. But this same detail performs a practical function, as it will allow the animal to look out into the street in the rain without risk of getting wet. Having sketched a sketch of the structure, it is worth making a detailed drawing of it. It will be less likely to make mistakes with it, and it also simplifies the calculation of the required amount of materials.
Materials for the construction of the booth
Before you make a booth for a dog, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools, if our sketch and drawings are ready. Preference should be given to natural building materials. For example, coniferous wood will show itself well, which will be relatively inexpensive and environmentally friendly..
You can make a house out of real logs, especially if your site is designed in a rustic style
For example, you can take for the manufacture of a frame for the construction of a bar with a section of 40×40 mm. For the side walls, an ordinary board or plywood sheets will do. You can use a floorboard on the floor. If you want to decorate the house, then you should also buy decorative slats. Additionally, you can use insulation if the winters in your area are severe. If you do not use moisture-resistant impregnations for wood, then you need to take care of oilcloth or other materials that need to be upholstered in the house so that it does not rot prematurely.
As for the tools, their set is rather modest and probably will be found in almost every house. You will need a hammer, a hacksaw, nails, a chisel to work. This gentleman’s set is enough to make a booth with your own hands..
Making a house for a four-legged friend
With ready-made drawings and materials, you can begin the construction process. We begin to make a dog house with our own hands from its base, that is, the floor. To make it warm enough, we make it in two layers, laying insulation between them. It is necessary to take care of the legs on which the house should stand. This is necessary so that air circulates quietly under it, then the structure will last longer and moisture will not stagnate in it..
Making the floor, we attach to it and side racks, to which we fasten the walls of the house. Do not forget to provide a hole in one of them. Now you can make the roof, which should be removable. Then it will be easy to periodically clean the house and treat it with parasites..
You can make a booth completely out of timber: then it will not have to be insulated
A place for a ready-made dog home
For the convenience of the pet, it is important not only to know how to build a doghouse, but also to find a good place for it in the yard. If you have an aviary, then it is worth placing the house directly inside it. But it must be borne in mind that he should stand on a small hill. Then the risk is excluded, flooding of the home during the rain.
Since you probably also keep the dog in order to protect your house, it is necessary to provide for a good view of the main territory from its shelter.
After you make the doghouse, take care of the little things. For example, it is worth sewing curtains made of dense material, which are useful both in summer and in winter. In the summer heat, you can cover the house so that it remains fresh, and in the winter cold they will not let snow and frosty wind inside.
Now you know how to build a house for your four-legged pet. We wish you good luck and remember: we are responsible for those who tamed.