Duplex Drywall Ceilings
The goal of any repair is to create a unique, cozy interior. Fortunately, modern building materials make it possible to focus not only on furniture and wall decoration, but also on the design of the ceiling. Among the many interesting design proposals, two-level drywall ceilings occupy a worthy place – you have probably seen photos of these incredible designs in specialized magazines and on the Internet. At first glance, such a ceiling looks too complicated for independent manufacture, but if you approach the matter with a sufficient amount of perseverance and curiosity, everything is possible.
- Advantages and disadvantages of drywall ceilings
- Ceiling Design Choice
- Duplex ceilings in the living room
- Techno – dynamic, original
- Hi-tech – stylish effect
- Eternally relevant classicism
- Ancient style aristocracy
- Design with two levels in the nursery
Advantages and disadvantages of drywall ceilings
Before making your final choice plasterboard ceiling, it is necessary to weigh all its advantages and disadvantages.
- Unlimited opportunities for translating ideas.
- Perfectly smooth surface.
- Possibility of visual zoning of a large room without installing partitions.
- Two-level drywall ceilings allow you to hide all kinds of communications, located not only in the immediate vicinity of the draft ceiling, but also slightly lower.
- Recessed luminaires and LED strip allow you to realize original lighting solutions.
Important! The maximum load that the drywall design can withstand is 13-15 kg. Keep this in mind when designing your room lighting and decoration..
- The possibility of multiple staining will make it easy enough to change the mood in the room. And with repeated repairs, it’s enough just to choose a paint that matches the new design of the room.
- A multilevel design, made in accordance with all the rules, has a sufficiently large weight, which increases the load on the supporting structures.
- Drywall does not tolerate strong moisture, so if you are flooded by neighbors from above, you will have to dismantle the ceiling.
- It is impossible to build such a design alone; you will have to attract assistants or hire specialists.
Ceiling Design Choice
After weighing all the pros and cons and deciding to mount multi-level drywall ceilings, you need to determine the exact shape of the structure. You can invent it yourself, in this case you will take into account all the architectural features of your room. And you can choose a finished project, focusing on a photo on the Internet or a catalog of builders (if you plan to hire a repair team).
The only prerequisite for a good choice should be the conformity of the shape of the ceiling to the general style of the room. So, in a room with classic furniture and a massive crystal chandelier, a bright ceiling in a modern style will look inappropriate.
Duplex ceilings in the living room
Techno – dynamic, original
If your living room is made in the style of “techno”, you will like such a beautiful, but at the same time restrained ceiling.
Multilevel ceiling in the style of “Techno”
Clear geometric lines will only emphasize the deliberate functionality and simplicity of the room.
Hi-tech – stylish effect
But such a ceiling is ideal for a high-tech living room.
High-tech multi-level ceiling
Strange curved lines and a lot of metal lights create a kind of spacecraft bulkhead. If instead of curtains you plan to hang blinds on window openings, and your furniture is simple but extravagant, such a ceiling will perfectly complement your interior.
Eternally relevant classicism
If you want to feel in your living room, like in the royal palace, and have already looked at the appropriate furniture – large sofas and armchairs with carved backs, massive wooden cabinets and a huge crystal chandelier – this ceiling is ideal for you.
But remember that such a design can only be installed in a room with high ceilings, otherwise it simply will not fit there.
Classic ceiling for the living room
If the ceiling is low, and you really want to recreate the palace interior in your apartment, perhaps something similar will suit you.
Multilevel plasterboard ceiling in classicism style
But this ceiling will be appropriate in a room whose ceiling is not lower than 2.5m.
Ancient style aristocracy
Multilevel plasterboard ceilings are also perfect for the antique style interior, the photo of the next design perfectly demonstrates this.
Antique style ceiling
It remains only to glue false columns to the walls and arrange suitable furniture.
Design with two levels in the nursery
The choice of the interior of a children’s room requires a particularly careful approach. Children perceive the world around them more sharply than adults, and our task is to try to make this world as bright and harmonious as possible. A bright, spacious room decorated in warm colors is perfect for a small child..
Multilevel ceiling for children
Plasterboard bunk ceilings are a rather complicated structure, which is difficult and troublesome to dismantle during the next repair. Children grow up, and in a few years there may be a need to replace too “children’s” interiors with something more suitable. Simply repaint the ceiling, change the wallpaper, and the room will be completely different – more adult.
Two-level ceiling in the hallway
Hallway or corridor – the room in which the decoration of the ceiling is of the greatest importance. As a rule, there is little or no shallows here, so the only decoration becomes decor items – paintings, mirrors, figurines. Empty space allows you to choose the design of the ceiling, relying only on your own taste.
It can be a large, bulky design, illuminated by invisible lights.
Original illuminated hallway ceiling
Or a ceiling with illuminated recesses that create the illusion of windows.
The ceiling with “windows” in the hallway
Most popular design option hallway ceiling, is a “floating ceiling” with spotlights on the ledge.
“Soaring ceiling” in the hallway
Most vividly illustrates what interesting effect can be achieved using two-level drywall ceilings .
Another tip, do not blindly copy the design options that you found on the Internet or in the print media. Try to show your imagination. A ceiling made according to your own project will please you much more than a copied template. You can take individual parts of different designs and compile something special from them. If you do not have enough imagination or artistic imagination for independent planning, contact the designer. Such work is not too expensive, but the result will remain with you for many years, and you will know for sure that no one else has such a ceiling.