Is it possible to seal holes in a stretch ceiling
Probably no one will argue with the fact that the stretch ceiling is very beautiful and modern. Glossy or matte, white or black, plain or with a pattern – it is equally good in any performance. But sometimes an ideally smooth, perfectly smooth and breathtakingly luxurious surface becomes the subject of experiences associated with the appearance of holes or cuts. It is difficult to imagine how it is possible to damage the stretch ceiling mechanically: neither children’s toys thrown by children in different directions, nor a crazy cork from champagne can theoretically cause defects, but nevertheless, a hole in the stretch ceiling can occur at any time from ordinary chance. And if there are such random accidents, then there are ways to eliminate them.
- Hole in a seamless fabric ceiling
- If the stretch ceiling of PVC is torn
- How to seal a hole in the film
Hole in a seamless fabric ceiling
You are very lucky if you have a seamless stretch ceiling and a small hole the size of a five-ruble coin. However, do not rush to rejoice, because for the complete elimination of the problem it will take a lot of effort.
You can’t seal a large hole in the wall with a patch. The only way out is to tighten the canvas.
To get rid of a defect, an eye-sore eye, you need a piece of cloth in the color of the ceiling (you can have a different color, you still have to paint over the damage later) or, if nothing of the kind is at hand, a piece of cloth tape. The patch must be glued from the inside of the ceiling using universal transparent glue (The moment is quite suitable, but it is optimal to use glue based on cyanoacrylate). Make sure that the edges of the damage are tightly connected to the patch and do not move away from it. After the hole is “walled up” it can be painted over the color of the ceiling.
If the hole is very tiny, then you can carefully sew it with kapron threads, but you must do this very carefully, avoiding further divergence of the hole to the sides. After the manipulations have been done, the damage will need to be painted over, but if everything is done in good conscience, then there will be no trace of the consequences of the party or children’s pranks.
If the stretch ceiling of PVC is torn
If you have a seamless stretch ceiling based on PVC film, then the solution to the problem will not be so simple. To “destroy” the hated damage, you will have to cut a piece of canvas with a hole and refill it again. It is possible to carry out such a “somersault” on your own only if the defect formed arises not far from the wall (10-15 cm). Otherwise, you have to change the ceiling completely. Yes, and again: if you decide to remove the damaged area yourself and “pull up” the ceiling to the wall, then be prepared for the fact that, if any other problems arise with your tension “treasure”, the installation company may refuse warranty repair.
A small hole near the wall can simply be pulled up
The option with a large patch is also possible, but it will be possible to apply it in practice only if the ceilings in the apartment or house are of sufficient height (the higher the ceiling, the less defect will be evident).
In the case of a seamless fabric or PVC ceiling, another very popular way to eliminate various defects, including holes, can help. At the puncture site, you can simply make either an original application of fabric or a colored film, or install an additional lamp, or mount a ventilation grill. Such a solution to the problem will help not only to get rid of damages unpleasant to the eye, but also to complement the interior with a new stylish element.
Application – an interesting way out of an uninteresting situation
How to seal a hole in the film
If there was a break in the fabric along the seam, then “write lost” – it will not be possible to eliminate the damage and you will have to call the craftsmen to completely replace the stretch ceiling. A similar incident may occur for the following reasons:
- low-quality installation of the ceiling or the same low-quality materials;
- excessive tension;
- poor fabric welding.
And if the appearance of holes is connected precisely with these reasons, then you have the right to demand from the company full compensation for the damage caused or the replacement of the ceiling.
Well, if you owe the appearance of unwanted holes on the ceiling to yourself or your relatives, then look for your pluses in a seemingly negative situation:
- you have the chance to upgrade your ceiling completely or to spice it up with the help of cute applications;
- replacing the blade will be much cheaper, because you already have the frame;
- the installation of a new ceiling will take much less time and will not take away a single drop of your health, because you no longer have to pull out furniture, carpets and household appliances.
To fix a hole in the stretch ceiling yourself or to call a master is up to you, however, keep in mind that in the first case you risk losing a precious guarantee, and in the second – your money.