English style garden
It doesn’t matter how much land you have, a huge estate or just 6 acres of “land”, if you wish, you can create a magnificent landscape style in your park. In landscape design, it is important to create a holistic picture, each element of the garden should express a general concept.
- Three whales landscape style
- Garden layout
- Park Features
- Vertical gardening of the facade
- Do-it-yourself green lawn
- English manor
Three whales landscape style
- The natural beauty of nature in the garden.
- Free planning not tied to strict rules.
- Monotony should be avoided even when designing small summer cottages..
In Japan, Korea, China, you can also find a landscape style of the garden, which is consistent with the popular idea of the eternal renewal of nature in the countries of the East..
Garden layout
Take a sheet of paper and draw a sketch of the future garden. Determine where it is best to plant fruit trees (the best option is the southeastern and southern parts), and where are the decorative trees and shrubs. Select the remaining square meters for flower beds and lawns. Think about where garden paths will go.
The facade of the house is its “face”, which must be impeccable. Take care of decorative and decorating
Creating a garden, you need to maintain it in one style, all auxiliary artificial structures must be carefully masked. A person who looks at a landscape-style park should have the illusion that the landscape where the house stands is created by nature itself, and not by human hands. Tsaritsyno, Petrovsky Palace, Gatchina – examples of landscape design made in landscape style.
The garden in the English style requires a clear organization of space, it is necessary to take into account the rules of visual perception. Objects located on a small hill, are in a winning position due to the law of linear perspective. Lawns and ponds are more interesting when viewed from above. Therefore, architects often resort to artificially creating uneven terrain.
Color plays an important role, especially if you choose an English style design. With its help, you can focus on certain areas, visually move or zoom in any element of the garden. Remember, simple and simple compositions often win before bulky and pompous.
The farther the object is from you, the smoother and softer the lines of its outlines look. Therefore, if you want to increase the depth of the landscape, in the far corner of the garden plant coniferous vegetation of blue shades.
A natural garden does not mean neglected. Everything should be carefully planned and thought out here: shady alleys, bright flower beds, groups of shrubs and trees. Small hills or even gorges organically fit into the overall concept.
For a landscape style park to appear around your country house, you need a landscape designer. He must understand the structure of the area and be able to correctly locate artificial and natural objects. A professional gardener knows everything about plants and trees on your site. Each park has its own character: cheerful or thoughtful, simple or multifaceted. Take a walk in the garden, you will feel that it causes a certain mood.
Park Features
- Winding paths lead you to the most secret corners of the garden. When creating trails, use natural stones, irregularly shaped, for example, paving stones or flagstone.
- Pergolas and arches twined with wild grapes, benches in shady places are not only beautiful, but also functional.
- A pond with a small bridge or an artificial stream perfectly complement the composition. Water in such a stream flows using a pump. You must select the type of stream and its intensity. You will also have to create and mask the “source” and “mouth”. Plant along the edges of the stream brook, the flow will become like a natural.
A small stream flowing from a pile of stones and hiding in a crevice is a great alternative to a pond
- An English-style garden cannot do without a fragrant flower garden. Mallow, delphinium, pansies, rose – choose what you like best. Flowers hanging from hanging pots look romantic. Plant in them pelargonium, geranium or petunia.
Vertical gardening of the facade
To make your home comfortable, create a green hedge. The house, on the walls of which ivy or girl’s grapes are woven, seems kind, reliable and a bit fabulous. Rhododendrons, Chinese magnolia vine, clematis, climbing roses are suitable for the southern wall. For the eastern side, choose tree hydrangea, hops. On the west side, gardeners plant vineyard vineyard, wisteria. When you have prepared the ground for planting, install the supports. Twine can be used as them (morning glory, sweet peas, echinocystis grow on it). For hops or climbing roses, you need a frame that needs to be fixed to the wall.
After planting seedlings, do not forget about feeding, watering and pruning. Remember, the fruits of some ornamental plants are poisonous (this is especially important if the family has small children).
Landscape style – the timeless classic of the genre
Do-it-yourself green lawn
To grow juicy green grass, the fertile soil layer should be at least 15 cm. One month before sowing the grass, dig the ground, remove weeds, fertilize, and level the surface. Compact the soil with rollers or plywood sheets just before sowing. If there is a border on the site, you need to sow grass 1 meter from it, so that in the future you will not have difficulties when working with the lawn mower. Seed consumption – 15 g / m2.
You need to sow grass in calm weather (it is convenient to sow the area in stripes). After this, the seeds are slightly sprinkled with earth and watered. The first week the future lawn is watered daily (the same watering schedule is required in dry weather). If you want to get the lawn in a faster way, you can buy a ready-made roll of grass that is turned, stacked and watered.
On such a lawn, children can have a lot of fun. Do not forget to water the lawn in time, so that it will delight you with its lush greens for a long time
English manor
Even if you were not born in prim British, you have the right to choose the facade of the house in the English style. High pediments in the foreground, a roof with steep slopes, large window sizes – architectural features of this style. In England, it is customary to build houses of various shapes: asymmetric and symmetrical. Much attention is paid to the design of the main entrance, but at the same time decorating elements are used very carefully. The main material in the construction of buildings is brick. Calm colors and the presence of forged parts only emphasize the main idea. Feel free to choose the English style in landscape design, if you like strict lines of restrained luxury.
how to set up an english style garden