We create small architectural forms
Do you appreciate the nice little things? Probably yes! With them, our life becomes more colorful and diverse. They can surround us everywhere – at home, at work, and even outside the city. How is this possible? Starting to equip the place where the cottage, house or manor is located, do not forget about elements such as small architectural forms (MAF). With them, your site will look more attractive, aesthetically pleasing and comfortable. How to achieve this will be discussed in our article..
- Why there is a need for MAFs
- Classification of MAFs
- By appointment
- On the use of plants
- According to the materials of manufacture
Why there is a need for MAFs
We have been familiar with small architectural forms for a long time. Perhaps not everyone knows that this is the name of ordinary benches, arbors, sports grounds, etc. These include everything that adorns the landscape, and also has a functional purpose – these are decorative compositions, small structures and various equipment.
A day started with a tea party in such an arbor will bring a lot of joy
What is their role? So you will make bright additions to the development of a suburban area, garden or park area. MAFs must be original in shape, easy to use and made of a specific material. Ultimately, we must organically fit them into the surrounding landscape to create an atmosphere of comfort, coziness and beauty. With them, any site looks finished, noble and elegant. In manufacturing, the manufacture of small architectural forms involves the use of high-quality materials. What decisions for giving can be realized independently?
Classification of MAFs
The variety of these decorative and functional elements is very large. They are divided according to the purpose, materials and use of plants in them. Let’s dwell on each separately.
By appointment
What are MAFs for? First of all, they should please with their appearance, giving aesthetic pleasure. Secondly, their role is to improve the conditions for rest and living. Depending on the functional purpose, they are divided into the following groups:
- Division of territory into zones
A wonderful corner for privacy and reflection.
Often there is a need for visual or physical separation of one part of the site from another. For example, it can be a recreation area and a work site. Small architectural forms for the garden help to hide inventory, outbuildings, etc. from the eyes. In this capacity are:
- bridges and arches;
- stairs and railings;
- retaining and decorative walls;
- sculptures and topiary;
- fountains and flowerpots.
Thanks to bridges and balustrades, arches and enclosing structures, some parts of the garden are separated from others. These decorative elements are designed to emphasize the style and create a unique face of the garden..
Specific elements are topiary sculptures that are carved from growing green shrubs and trees. Performing a purely decorative role, they also divide the space into separate zones.
When we talk about garden sculptures, we traditionally think about ordinary statues. However, small architectural forms made of concrete can be in the form of a bird bath, which is located in the central part of an artificial reservoir, a grotto with a bench, decorative bridges, mills, etc..
- Creation of places for rest
Recently, more and more people use their suburban areas exclusively for recreation. In this case, landscape design can be decorated and equipped:
- garden and country furniture;
- arbors and benches;
- sports grounds and swings;
- children’s play complexes;
- braziers, etc..
The most popular type of MAFs is arbors. They have been associated for centuries with a place of solitude and relaxation. Nowadays they are made summer (open) and all-weather (glazed).
- Additional amenities
This unique courtyard could be created only by people with developed imagination and “golden” hands.
Improve household amenities and create additional comfort using:
- lighting lamps;
- cute ballot boxes;
- fountains with drinking water.
If you want to see how you can harmoniously fit these small architectural forms into the landscape, the photos posted on the Internet will be of invaluable help to you..
On the use of plants
According to the use of plants, MAFs are divided into two types – decorated with greens and flowers and existing independently, that is, without them. The second ones were mentioned above, and the first ones include the following:
- Trellis. It is made in the form of a metal or wooden support for climbing plants. They enclose resting places from utility rooms.
- Pergola. This is the name of the stand-alone building or extension to the house, the roof of which represents a lattice braided by plants. Under it, you can create a resting place equipped with decorative tables, benches, barbecue. As climbing plants, weaving roses, clematis, grapes, hops can be used..
- Bosquets. So called “green” rooms with walls of specially trimmed trees and shrubs. This element of landscape design came from France and was used there back in the 16th-17th centuries..
- Pots or flowerpots with flowers. Such small architectural forms with their own hands can be done by all flower lovers. They are placed in the most suitable places in the yard and garden..
According to the materials of manufacture
Depending on the materials from which decorative elements are made, they are divided into MAFs made of
- concrete,
- natural stone,
- metal,
- tree (vines).
You can combine two different materials. For example, in the manufacture of gazebos, you can use natural stone and metal forged fences.
Additional Information
In order for the products to serve for a long time, they must be made of high-quality materials, as well as take care of the professional performance of work.
If you want to use natural stone, forged metal, valuable wood, stained glass, which are considered to be elite materials, then the cost of such MAFs will be quite high. Small architectural forms made of pine wood, brick, concrete structures, as well as elements made of polycarbonate are considered a budget option.
Flowerpots with flowers can be placed in the most unexpected place.
Much of what decorates modern gardens and summer cottages is done by the hands of their owners. So you can save money and enjoy the creative process. If you want your site to look truly unique, then attract all family members to its project. Together you will make it your favorite vacation spot and be proud of your achievements. Success!