What do you need to make your site look spectacular? Do not rely “on your mind”, but consult a specialist! They will make a competent dendroplan, which will reflect all your requirements and wishes. It is no coincidence that he plays an important role in the design documentation necessary for the development of the landscape plan of a park or garden.
- Visualization of the dendroplane section of 10 acres
- What is placed on the dendroplane drawing
- The importance of the payroll
Visualization of the dendroplane section of 10 acres
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What is placed on the dendroplane drawing
A dendrological plan is a drawing made by a landscape designer. On it, he notes all the plants whose planting is planned on the land.
The selection of trees is carried out so that their appearance matches the general style, which is determined by you and your designer. Seedlings must be combined with each other according to biological characteristics. In addition to plants on the plan, various zones and their boundaries, paths and the location of buildings – existing and planned for construction, are noted. Thus, everything that needs to grow on the ground will be clearly tied to hard surfaces or hard lines..
Only a specialist can create such beauty
The dendroplan of the site takes into account the following points:
- location features and land allotment style;
- various characteristics of plants located on it (environmental, biological);
- soil composition, site lighting, etc .;
- customer wishes (which is undoubtedly the most important).
Among the features of this plan, the following can be noted – the sizes of trees are indicated on it in the maximum values characteristic of an adult plant. This makes it possible to take into account the distance between the seedlings when planting, since at this time their sizes are much smaller than those indicated in the dendroplane.
During the preparation of project documentation, a schematic representation of the location of green spaces is made. It is indicated in the form of a fraction, in the numerator of which the serial number of a tree or shrub is fixed, recorded in the transfer sheet, and in the denominator is the number of seedlings of this type (variety) included in the group planting. If the tree is single, then the denominator is missing.
Properly drafting a plan will help to ensure that the infield will look the best and reflect the mood inherent in its owners. When developing a park’s dendroplan, a good specialist takes into account how the whole composition will look. The main thing is that the bushes, being decorative, at the same time be also useful for the owner of the site. In addition, they must fulfill the function assigned to them for organizing a common space.
It looks like a landscape project
When choosing a material for planting, an important factor is taken into account – the absolute frost resistance of the species. It should be characteristic of the region in which the proposed landscape project will be implemented..
The importance of the payroll
The payroll is a mandatory document that is included with the dendroplan. It contains a list of planted crops that are most suitable for a given land plot. The landscape designer always takes into account the wishes of the customer, as the most interested and influential person.
The dendroplan and the payroll, as a rule, cannot exist separately, but form a single whole. The latter sometimes acts as an appendix to the explanatory note, which is compiled to the general plan of the personal plot.
It is worth considering the integrity of the composition
The following data shall be entered in the transfer statement:
- variety, type and decorative forms of trees planned for planting;
- individual number of each tree or shrub;
- characteristics of each type – height, type of root system, decorative features;
- crown projection;
- the number of seedlings of each species;
- plant name (in national and Latin languages).
The landing record in this document is made in a certain order, that is, in groups. Coniferous species belong to the first group, deciduous species to the second, then fruit trees and creepers.
Any shrub is reflected in accounting records
Such documentation allows you to pre-plan the purchase of the necessary varieties and types of plants, avoid the mistakes inherent in amateur gardeners, and also save your money. It’s better to spend them on a well-designed dendroplane!