The summer cottage, in comparison with a city apartment, looks just like a paradise. Everything created by nature is correct and beautiful. The murmur of a brook touches you, the smell of mowed grass makes you dizzy, the buzzing of insects seems funny, but … only until the sting yells at one of those close to you. Then the problem of how to get rid of wasps becomes the most urgent.
- The benefits and harms of the “neighbors”
- First aid for an aspen bite
- Where wasps live
- Wasp destruction methods
- Attack Rules
- Humane Insect Control
- Bee neighbors: get rid or endure
The benefits and harms of the “neighbors”
These insects benefit from the fact that they feed their larvae with flies, caterpillars, bugs and other pests of cultivated plants. But the harm is still more obvious.
- Bite pain and cause allergies of varying severity.
- They are carriers of intestinal infections, because in search of sugar-containing products they can be transported directly from the garbage to the dining table.
- Spoil the crop. Usually there is no end to them in August. They like to enjoy fruit and berry fruits, especially grapes..
Wasps spoil fruit and berry fruits
The invasion of wasps or bees can not only ruin the vacation, but become a real nightmare. We have to take security measures, adapt to the conditions that the hornet’s “dictates”. Healthy adults can protect themselves, so in some cases they do not pay attention to insects. The need to get rid of them arises if the family has small children or disabled people.
First aid for an aspen bite
The likelihood that wasps settle right on the site or nearby is very high. Therefore, in the spring you need to stock up on anti-allergic drugs (cream, tablets) and know the rules of first aid for bites.
- Unlike a bee, a wasp can sting several times in a row. If she left a sting, it must be got. In this case, you can not squeeze the skin, otherwise the poison in the body will be more.
- Then apply ice to relieve swelling. Well softens the seal at the bite site of vegetable oil.
- In a glass of boiled water at room temperature, dissolve a tablespoon of soda and make lotions.
- You can immediately rub the wound with garlic, onions or parsley.
- Take anti-allergic tablets (suprastin, diazolin, fencarol). If the reaction is serious – hydrocortisone. This is a hormonal drug, so you can’t “prescribe” it yourself.
Important! The reaction to a bite can be different: high fever, rapid breathing and palpitations, swelling of soft tissues, cramps. In this case, be sure to call an ambulance.
Insects can sting and cause severe allergies.
Where wasps live
The fight against individuals who strive to sting or periodically do this will bring only short-term results. If they are frequent, then there is a nest nearby. Usually it is located in a secluded corner: in the attic, under the balcony, roof, in the drainpipe, chimney, between the wall cladding. There are earthen wasps that build nests similar to mole passages, right in the soil. They are even more dangerous, because they can severely bite if a person does not notice and steps on the dwelling.
Insects choose a place for the nest in late May. It is at this time that it is worth taking action. If last year you did not fight with wasps, in this they will fly again.
To avoid an invasion, it is necessary to burn the nest, and clean its location with a knife, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorine. The returning female will look for another refuge.
Nests are located in secluded places
Wasp destruction methods
After determining the location of the nest, you should choose a method that will help get rid of insects..
- If it is possible to bring a bucket (or other container) with water so that the nest fits in it, 10 minutes will be enough to complete the procedure. Dwelling gets wet, pests die.
- Close the shelter tightly with a plastic bag. It is worth attaching it with buttons or tape (depending on the location). Then make a small hole, direct a plentiful stream of the existing aerosol and tightly tie the hole. After about an hour, the bag can be removed and the nest with extinct wasps removed.
- Pour gas into a regular sprayer, spray the entire surrounding area and the nest itself. All individuals will die. Replace the tool with diesel fuel. The result is the same, only the smell will disappear for a very long time.
- Insects and the influence of “Domestos” do not withstand. Apply it better undiluted.
- If the nest is in an inaccessible place, it is necessary to abundantly process the place where wasps crawl. Gradually, insects adapt to the means of combating them, so some acquired aerosols may not bring the desired result, but only make them angry. The most effective: “Troapsil”, “Moskitol protection against wasps”, “Gett”, “Sipaz”, “Ambush”, “Actellik”, “Dare”.
- The Fas smoke bomb has proven itself well. But Fumitox is not suitable for the fight. He does no harm to wasps.
- Get the bait and cook them a “treat”. Infected individuals will infect their brethren, and over time they will completely disappear.
- The nest of earthen wasps can be poured with boiling water, then it is good to tamp the earth. But from a teapot or pot, water will not be enough.
- Prepare a cement mortar with the addition of sand in a ratio of 1: 3, fill the earthen dwelling.
The earthen nest resembles a mole
It is interesting! Previously, kerosene was considered an effective means of struggle. But now only a few die from it, while the rest begin to avenge anxiety.
Attack Rules
Wasps flock to their home for the night. If you remove the empty slot, you can only aggravate the situation. They will come back anyway and will attack you with greater force – these insects are very vengeful. The operation can only be carried out from late evening to early morning.
Regardless of the method chosen, safety precautions must be observed. Worried insects will begin to sting everything that moves. And instead of relaxing peacefully without annoying buzzing, you run the risk of being in the hospital.
- Clothing should be made of thick fabric with a long sleeve. Headdress required.
- The face and neck are covered with a three-layer gauze cape attached to clothes.
- In addition to all – long rubber gloves.
It is necessary to completely remove all remains of the nest using a knife or other tools, treat the place with a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorine. And just in case, hang the masking tape.
Humane Insect Control
Destroying wasps is not necessary. You can simply act so that they simply leave this place. You should not count on a good result, but, in any case, a choice will appear: to exterminate or coexist.
- Place several pieces of red hot pepper near the nest (small cuts on it will have an effect faster). After a while, the wasps will leave this place.
- Dilute the jam in jars of water and put them in a remote place on the site where you rarely go. Insects will move there.
The risk of a problem will be significantly reduced if preventive treatment is done at the stage of construction or repair.
Insects breed very quickly and begin to “dictate” the conditions to the owner of the site
Bee neighbors: get rid or endure
Wasps are not the only problem. It is much more difficult to solve the problem if the beekeeper set up beehives in a neighboring area and the bees prefer to work in your area. These insects bite in two cases: when protecting their home and when they were scared. Nobody is going to destroy their home, but the bee, accidentally tangled in hair or clothing, is sure to get stung. Also the brothers will attack.
The breed of bees also matters. Next to some you can harvest berries, while others attack purposefully from a distance of 10 meters. Cases are very sad. An adult can run away to the house, but the dog on the leash will not close the door to the booth. And angry bees can bite her to death. Then the solution to the question – how to get rid of neighboring bees – becomes not a precaution, but a necessity to protect your family.
In a good way, the beekeeper had to take the permission of the neighbors, and only after they set up the hives. But in practice this is often not the case. Particularly unceremonious bees are placed away from their home, not caring about the problems that other people may encounter. In this case, you should contact the local authorities. If the issue persists, think for yourself how to get rid of the bees..
The most harmless measure is to install a high solid fence. If the airway to the honey collection runs through your site, the bees will immediately gain height and fly by.
You can simply warn the neighbor that you are going to put the bait and poison the bees that will appear on your site. Usually this is much stronger than asking and persuading.
If you need to get rid of wasps or bees, but not a single method has brought results, it is better to contact the sanitary service. The measures taken will completely solve the problem for a long period.