Writting stumps and trees
When everything grows and turns green in the infield, the heart of each summer resident trembles with joy. But once, almost every gardener has to face a situation when a tree dries out from old age or due to illness. And this is not only bitterly contemplated: a purely practical question arises – how to uproot it? Rooting up stumps is not an easy task for a beginner. Therefore, let’s figure it out with you how to solve it simpler and easier..
- The most common stump removal methods
- Mechanisms and tools for uprooting
- How to quickly remove stump with your own hands
- Use of chemicals
- Important tips for choosing a method of rooting out stumps
The most common stump removal methods
Of course, you can go the shortest way – entrust the work to specialists. But it is worth noting that such a service is not cheap. Therefore, summer residents often prefer to save, starting an independent fight against stumps.
Before proceeding to uprooting, you need to find out what are the ways to get rid of stumps. Moreover, there are many of them, but which one to give preference to is not always easy to solve..
They are conditionally divided into several types:
- stump removal with the help of mechanized equipment, gas or electric power tools;
- a manual way to get rid of the remains of a tree and its roots;
- chemical destruction of a stump.
Heavy equipment will help to quickly solve the problem, but it needs a staircase, and performed by non-professionals it is also a risky enterprise
The first option involves the use of mechanized equipment or other tools. The second is purely physical labor, but certain knowledge is necessary for him in order to correctly manage to exert his efforts. The chemical method is the destruction of a stump using special means. It is worth understanding the features of each of the uprooting methods in order to choose the most suitable for a particular situation..
Mechanisms and tools for uprooting
If you follow the path of attracting special tools or mechanized equipment, you can choose one of several options. Rooting out of stumps can be carried out with the help of an excavator or a tractor, if, of course, such special transport is in your household. This is provided that the site will allow you to turn around on a similar colossus for the operation.
Invite a tractor driver to the cottage is not only expensive, but also risky: pulling out a stump, the tractor can damage the roots of the surrounding vegetation
Most often, summer residents act with the help of smaller tools. For example, an ordinary gasoline or electric saw will come to the rescue. The upper part of the stump is cut off under the root, which will cost the least. True, if you expect to break a garden in place of a tree, this method will not work.
If possible, then you can transform the site using a special tool, which is called a stump grinder. It helps to chop wood into ordinary sawdust, causing minimum damage to the surrounding area. But this is a rather expensive device, so it is not worth buying for a single application. It is better to rent it or choose other methods of uprooting..
The chopper cannot be used in the area where metal objects can be located – bolts, nails, etc. Because they will damage the equipment cutters, and the damage will have to be compensated to the summer resident
How to quickly remove stump with your own hands
Now we turn to the option of how to make trees up without using any tools or mechanisms, except for the simplest that every summer resident probably has – a shovel, a hacksaw or an ax.
The first option is to first blur the soil around the tree, and then gently free the roots from the ground, the thickest and deepest ones just by sawing it with a hacksaw. This method is acceptable if the soil on the site is light – sandy or loamy. It is also worth considering that there should not be any landings around the stump that could be affected by water pressure.
When you need to remove the stump, you can also wave the hatchet, if you have the strength and desire. The advantage of this method is that it will help out if it is impossible to approach the tree with other tools
The second option is to dig an object in a circle, and then uproot it by slipping a crowbar under it. Only it is acceptable in the case of working with fairly small stumps – with a diameter of not more than 20 dm.
The third way to manually get rid of the remnants of the tree is to search for the largest processes of roots in a circle and file them. After that, you can tie a stump with a rope and pull it out. But it’s worth considering that this is not so easy: most likely, you can’t do without the efforts of one person.
Use of chemicals
Now let’s talk about how rooting out trees is done using a science such as chemistry. There are a few tricks to how to remove stumps on the site using chemicals. Some of them can be found at the gardener’s farm, and some will have to be bought..
The easiest and most affordable way is to remove wood and roots with potassium or sodium nitrate. He suggests that the chemical is injected under stump in large quantities. When it is saturated with chemistry, it is possible to make a fire on this place, and the entire underground and aboveground parts of the tree will be completely burned out. To ensure the most effective result, it is worth drilling holes in the stump, into which then pour saltpeter, pouring water. Then the remains of the tree are wrapped in polyethylene, leaving it in this position until next year. During this time, chemistry will do its job, and fire will complete the task. Only this manual cannot be used in areas with peat soil, otherwise an underground fire may occur, which is extremely difficult to control.
Chemical methods are good in that they destroy the root system of the tree, so you will not be disturbed by green shoots or roots, sometimes uplifting country paths
To combat stumps, ordinary urea is also suitable. It helps to turn a tree into dust, and then its remains can be easily removed with a shovel. The technology for working with urea is similar to the way nitrate is used. Only under the film will the stump need to stand for a year, or better, two. Then in its place there will be no trace.
Another version of chemical uprooting is the use of ordinary coarse salt. It is poured into holes drilled in the wood, after which the stump is covered with turf. Salt will gradually turn the remains of the tree into dust.
Finally, you can go not the most usual way – use saprophyte mushroom in the fight against stumps. It is populated on the dying part of the tree, after which the mycelium grows, and the wood decomposes. The summer resident receives two advantages at once – he can enjoy mushrooms of his own production, and after three or four years, completely get rid of the remains of the stump.
Important tips for choosing a method of rooting out stumps
At the end of the article we will give some important recommendations that will help determine the most acceptable way for you to remove the remains of a dead tree on the site. Mechanized equipment has such advantages as high speed and a minimum of physical forces. But if you don’t have your own special transport – a bulldozer, a tractor, etc., then this is an expensive pleasure.
One could call the crusher for stumps the ideal solution, but it has one significant drawback – its cutters reach a depth of only 30 cm. This is very small if you want to create a bed in place of a tree.
Some people do not like chemical methods of control due to the fact that they act for a rather long time. And on this site, other vegetation will not immediately be able to grow.
If you skillfully remove the stump with your own hands, then the next year you can break a garden in its place
Manual work with the remnants of wood is perhaps the most sparing, but it is very difficult, so not everyone will do it.
Removing stumps with the help of mushrooms has its advantages, but it also carries one threat: there is a risk of infection of neighboring trees with mycelium, if they have dying parts. So you have to take care of your garden much more carefully, choosing such an original way.