Bench Design Options
After erecting a house on a suburban area, I want to quickly refine the territory so that it would be comfortable to relax and work, dine in the fresh air and enjoy the scenery. You need to start with the construction of a bench for the garden. For this, the remnants of building materials, natural stones and driftwood, old car tires are suitable.
- Location selection.
- Examples of design of country benches.
- Environmental friendliness and comfort.
- Mobility and Savings.
- Severe beauty.
- Cold grace.
- Aesthetics and convenience
Location selection
The benches are designed for relaxation, so they should be located in different areas of the cottage.
- at the entrance to the house;
- along or at the end of garden paths;
- on the open veranda, terrace;
- by the pool, pond or alpine slide;
- next to the playground.
The simplest and most unsightly bench becomes a favorite place to relax if it is properly equipped
The bench on the lawn looks beautiful, but it is not always convenient to get to it if the grass is wet after rain or wet from dew. In addition, the site must be planted with grass that is resistant to constant loads..
To place a bench on the lawn, you need to choose a special kind of grass
A bench in a remote corner under the crowns of trees will allow you to hide from the scorching rays of the sun and take a break from work, read, just sit in silence. If the garden is still very young, it is worth providing a tent, a canopy, a pergola. But in the open area, you can soak up the sun in the early spring and get the missing portion of vitamin D spent over the long winter.
Outdoor recreation allows you to enjoy the spring sun
The design becomes a decorative element of landscape design and fulfills its direct functional purpose, so it is worth considering the topography of the site. Moreover, it is not necessary to choose a flat surface. Benches are made for gardening with your own hands or on request, the determining criteria are the convenience of location and beautiful appearance.
The architectural style of the house and other buildings determines the shape and color of the structure. Work does not require large financial investments, if you give free rein to imagination and use the available material wisely. But it is worth considering that for convenient placement of an adult, the height of the legs, back and seat depth should be 40-50 cm.
Examples of design of country benches
Environmental friendliness and comfort
Most often, wood is used (hardwood is more durable). The material is easy to process, opens up great opportunities for the embodiment of fantasy ideas, has a long service life when coated with a protective layer from rodents, insects and rot. Due to their naturalness, they fit perfectly into any style. And every good owner has the tools for making:
- plane,
- hacksaw,
- jigsaw,
- a hammer,
- sandpaper,
- roulette,
- pencil.
The simplest option can be designed independently, but for more complex ones it is better to use a professional drawing.
Drawing bench №1
Drawing bench №2
Drawing bench №3
Drawings will help you do the job yourself
Important! In the manufacture of a portable model, it is necessary to monitor compliance with all sizes, because even a slight skew can violate the even position of the structure. Then the bench will swing. And in the stationary version, small inaccuracies can be easily smoothed out by cementing the legs.
The real find is a table with benches. The design can be made monolithic. But then it is better to choose a place that will become permanent for her, because moving such a bulky structure around the site is quite difficult. Another inconvenience is that the benches cannot be moved closer to the table or, conversely, moved away if necessary.
A do-it-yourself dining group gathers the whole family at the table
As a material, not only planed smooth boards and bars are suitable, but also ordinary logs. Original designs will be the “highlight” of landscape design. Selecting the appropriate additional items, you can make a kind of separate corner.
A model of logs gives color to the landscape design
For a rustic style, benches carved in a log or a big stump are perfect. The final touch will be wood carving, turned elements.
Mobility and Savings
The most convenient mobile option are plastic models. They can be purchased complete with a table or separately for installation in any place (in the summer to hide in the shade, and in the fall to move to an open area), clean up a house or an outbuilding before your next arrival, and also take with you for fishing or a walk in the forest. Plastic benches for a summer residence do not require special care. It is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth or just pour water from a hose.
Plastic furniture can be easily moved to another area
Only plastic is a fragile material, and damaging it is easy enough. The exception is expensive models that can withstand heavy loads, exposure to scorching sunlight and heavy rain.
Items from expensive collections of plastic furniture have a long service life without loss of external data
Severe beauty
Stone structures in the country house are not very convenient, but give the site a peculiar mystery. You can sit on such a bench only in the warm season, if direct sunlight does not fall on it, otherwise the seat will be very hot.
Stone models made of machined stone are quite expensive
This is a durable construction made of coarse granite, marble, quartzite. But they are expensive, so it is rarely installed. And from raw stone you can build a wonderful garden bench with your own hands. To do this, stones are simply selected in the nearby territory. A beautiful and comfortable bench will turn out in combination with a tree.
For strength, small stones are held together with cement mortar.
Large boulders of almost the same size are buried in the ground so that the edges of the seat are at the same height. Small stones are held together with cement mortar. For maximum stability, you can make a base of reinforcement or corners.
Boulders combined with wood form a sturdy and comfortable construction
Exclusive “upholstered furniture” will turn out if you lay out a comfortable shaped seat from stones and completely cover it with lawn turf.
“Upholstered furniture” can be made of stone
Cold grace
There are completely different metal benches in the country. In some models, you can see a delicate lace over which a painstaking craftswoman worked, or a butterfly, ready to flutter up just about. Others resemble bulky production structures, from which it just blows cold.
Powder-coated metal model resistant to various natural disasters
A metal bench is suitable for year-round use due to its durability and resistance to natural disasters, but in the garden it looks rather rude (if this is not an exclusive option), and sitting on it is uncomfortable. It is very hot under the sun and becomes cold at low air temperatures. Moreover, there is absolutely no difference – a metal bench for the garden is made with your own hands or ordered by an experienced master.
A metal bench made by a skilled craftsman decorates the site, but sitting on it is uncomfortable
But do not immediately abandon this option. First, for the manufacture of a simple model, it is sufficient to weld corners or fittings (combine them) in a welded way. The bench will look great, the sides of which go into the arch. Nearby, you can plant climbing plants, pull on a fabric tent. And for convenience and aesthetics, buy or sew pillows for the seat and back.
Padded seats provide total comfort on any model
Worth considering! Textile products should be attached to the base of the bench with pre-arranged straps, otherwise they will move out.
The ideal option is a combination of metal and wood. Forged elements will become a real decoration of the product and the surrounding area, and a wooden seat will provide comfort at any time of the year. But forged elements can only be performed by a master.
The benches on a metal base look great, the seat and back of which are made of rattan. Significantly cheaper models from its artificial counterpart.
Aesthetics and convenience
You can make a bench in the form of a rocking chair or a swing. This will give the model not only individuality, but also provide additional comfort to vacationers.
Bench in the form of a swing will bring a lot of fun to adults and children
A bench made of any material becomes the main element of the recreation area, so it is simply necessary to refine the area around it. Before manufacturing the product, you can provide a container for flower beds or decorative elements from improvised materials.
Important! When planting flowers nearby, you need to consider their aroma. A pronounced fragrance can adversely affect the well-being of the vacationer..
When choosing plants in the adjacent territory, their aroma must be taken into account
But textile products in any quantity will not be superfluous. Such comfort will be appreciated not only by adults, but by young summer residents. Little fidgets will play with pleasure on this site, always being in sight of adults.
It is imperative to provide lighting, because you will not want to go into the house even after dark. If benches with a table form a dining group, then it is more convenient to place the lanterns higher. And the grace of free-standing models will emphasize the backlight located close to the ground. It can be portable lights, then the brightness is easy to adjust.
It is necessary to provide lighting for the rest area at a later time.
Regardless of the number of beds in the country, anyway, the recreation area becomes the main in landscape design. And with the help of the correct arrangement of benches and arrangement of the territory around them, it is easy to create a paradise.