How to independently waterproof the floor in the garage
Increased humidity in the garage threatens the appearance of mold and mildew on its walls, rotting of wooden structural elements, corrosion and rusting of the car body and other metal parts, and it has a destructive effect on the foundation. Usually, the reason for humidity is poor waterproofing of the floor in the garage, which should protect the room from moisture and prevent cracking. Let’s consider in this article how to correctly complete this stage of construction..
- Waterproofing at the construction stage
- The “right” materials for construction
- The main types of waterproofing
- General floor waterproofing technology
- Additional waterproofing in garages
Waterproofing at the construction stage
Starting the construction of a garage, it should be remembered that it is much cheaper to properly waterproof immediately immediately in compliance with all the rules and recommendations than to combat high humidity during operation of a room and at the same time eliminate all unpleasant consequences caused by it. Improper waterproofing of the floor can lead to flooding of the garage with ground or flood waters, and if there is an inspection hole in the structure, moisture will constantly accumulate in it, the evaporation of which will damage the machine parts.
Speaking specifically about the floors, they are much less likely to undergo reconstruction than all other elements, since this procedure is considered quite costly both in finance and labor costs, so it’s not worth saving during the construction phase, it’s better to immediately get high-quality materials that can last a long time.
The “right” materials for construction
To prevent the appearance of water in the garage, you need to take the choice of materials very responsibly. In no case should you choose expanded clay, foam and gas blocks, as well as silicate brick for construction. In principle, it is not advisable to purchase a brick of any kind, since it does not apply to waterproof materials. If the brick layer can still contain a small amount of moisture, then with constant backwater, it is quickly absorbed by moisture and destroyed. That is why concrete is most often used in the construction of a garage..
On the modern market there is a huge assortment of insulating materials that differ in laying technology, price, and duration of use. When used properly, bituminous materials in our region last up to 10-15 years, and new polymer waterproofing practically do not wear out, which allows them to be laid for the entire life of the structure. A large number of different membranes are also offered, but when buying them, despite all the assurances of the sellers about reliability and efficiency, it must be borne in mind that the thickness of such a material cannot be less than 1.5-2 mm. All superthin membranes are not suitable for waterproofing. garage floor. In addition, such insulation requires extensive experience of the contractor and specialized equipment, so you should not even try to lay it yourself.
Waterproofing membranes for flooring in the garage should not be thinner than 1.5 or 2 mm
The main types of waterproofing
Consider the main types of waterproofing:
- Plaster, or as it is also called coating, is a thin layer of special solutions that prevent the penetration of moisture.
- Okleechnaya – roll or sheet materials glued to hot mastics, such as bitumen.
- Penetrating, the youngest type of waterproofing. In this case, the treated surface is impregnated with liquid water-repellent solutions..
- Powder waterproofing is a cross between the first and third types.
General floor waterproofing technology
After the place for the construction of the garage is marked, all the soil in this area is carefully compacted. This prevents its upset during operation. Now a layer of coarse sand about a meter thick is applied to this site, which also needs to be tamped. Next, a “puff” structure consisting of three layers of geotextiles is laid on the sand, while a waterproofing material needs to be laid between the lower and middle, and a layer of thermal insulation between the middle and upper. Now you can start flooring.
It is best to make concrete floors in garages. To increase resistance to damage, it can be reinforced, while the iron frame must be welded so that its design is inextricable. The thickness of the concrete layer should not be less than 15 cm.
It is advisable to waterproof the foundation and floor in garages during the construction period, since these elements are least likely to undergo reconstruction
Additional waterproofing in garages
First, consider a garage without a basement. In this case, it is enough to prevent the penetration of moisture into the lower part of the walls along the entire perimeter of the structure. To do this, a horizontal waterproofing is made of two layers of roofing felt glued to the wall and to each other with hot bituminous mastic. This layer is laid above the ground level at the junction of the walls and the foundation.
Before you do waterproofing garage with basement, Be sure to take measures to prevent the ingress of groundwater and capillary moisture. To do this, to the above method, add vertical waterproofing, coming under the outer walls. As a rule, it is located at the level of the lower part of the foundation and captures the outer edges of the outer basement walls. One of the most effective methods is the application of a layer of cement on the outside of the foundation and processing it with hot mastic in two layers.
Application of bituminous mastic to the outer part of the basement of the garage to eliminate the penetration of atmospheric moisture and capillary suction
When placing the basement floor below the groundwater level, there is a danger of flooding. In this case, the process of waterproofing the basement floor and the garage is somewhat complicated. After all the above measures for waterproofing the lower part of the foundation are taken, the basement floor must be concreted and its surface leveled with a screed method. Now you need to stick two layers of rolled or sheet waterproofing on bitumen, while it is necessary to connect the places of their contact with previously laid under hot mastic garage foundation layers of insulating material. Similarly, we connect the vertical waterproofing applied to the outer surface of the external walls with the one located under the foundation. After that, you can proceed to waterproofing the garage floor.
The waterproofing of the floor in the garage should be taken seriously and better if it is performed by real professionals, since only they are able to take into account all the features of the area, reliably prevent the building from being flooded and eliminate the increased humidity in it..