Plastic font
Baths are known and loved since the time of Russia. Back then, the tradition of diving into a cold pond after a steam bath appeared. In winter, the reservoir was successfully replaced by snow or an ice hole. Today, even schoolchildren already know that a sharp change in high and low temperatures has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is hardened, refined, but you don’t have to talk about raising the tone at all. The Old Russian ice hole is now successfully replaced by various fonts, including a plastic font.
- What is a font?
- The advantages of plastic fonts
- The main plus is safety
- Environmental friendliness is an important criterion
- Easy care – perfect hygiene
- Versatility – tons of options
- Strength is a strong argument
- Attractive side – profitability
- Tightness is an important quality
- Variety of design and aesthetics
What is a font?
Under the font it is customary to understand not too large a container filled with cold water, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the sauna or bath. The main purpose of this capacity is to cool the body after a steam room.
Fonts differ from pools, which can often be seen in saunas. They have a smaller volume and are subject to additional insulation. The change of water in such a tank, as a rule, occurs before each visit to the bath. The optimum water temperature in the font is considered to be 7-9 ° C, since, of course, it is possible to freeze in it, but to catch a cold – no.
Font for a bath and sauna made of polypropylene with lining made of lumber fits perfectly into the traditional interior
When immersed in a font, stress mechanisms are activated in the human body, which naturally awaken their internal forces. It is this process that leads to hardening and toning. In addition, the font is a great opportunity to wash leaves from a broom from the body. This will save the drainage and water filtration systems in the bathhouse or sauna, increasing their life.
Today, fonts differ by many criteria, in particular, by the material of manufacture. They can be made of stainless steel, concrete, wood, composite materials, fiberglass. However, the plastic bath font was especially popular..
The advantages of plastic fonts
Modern plastic fonts are made of sufficiently durable polypropylene with a thickness of about 5 mm. The operational and technical characteristics of this material allow it to keep up even with concrete. This makes it possible to mount a tank for cooling after the bath, both indoors and outdoors. Of course, the healing properties of wood can be safely forgotten, but polypropylene products have many other advantages..
The main plus is safety
So, fonts made of polypropylene are absolutely safe during operation. The surface of the finished product is smooth, pleasant to the touch and not slippery at all. Moreover, the descent steps available at the tank are made of embossed material having an anti-slip coating.
Environmental friendliness is an important criterion
It is worth noting that the polypropylene used for the production of font is recognized as an environmentally friendly material. During operation, it does not emit substances harmful to the human body.
Easy care – perfect hygiene
It’s no secret that wood products require careful care, and wooden containers were no exception. However, unlike them, plastic products, like composite fonts, are easily cleaned with ordinary household detergents. Moreover, their surface is protected from scratches and in extreme cases allows the use of abrasive cleaners.
Versatility – tons of options
Due to the resistance of polypropylene to UV rays and temperature fluctuations, fonts made from it can be installed regardless of climatic conditions. This property allows us to rightly call them universal..
Font for bath and sauna, located on the street
Strength is a strong argument
Polypropylene products for baths and saunas are characterized by a high degree of strength and resistance to bending. This allows the font to withstand quite significant loads, which increases its life.
Attractive side – profitability
One of the advantages of plastic fonts can be called their efficiency. The fact is that these products have a fairly affordable price. This makes them accessible to a wide range of consumers. Ease of maintenance and operation also reduces font maintenance costs.
Tightness is an important quality
A modern plastic font is completely sealed. The unique properties of polypropylene and the manufacturing features of the bowl of the container determine its high-quality waterproofing. In addition, the font bowl is seamless, so that the water will be firmly held in it.
Variety of design and aesthetics
If the font is located indoors, it is recommended to select it in accordance with the general style decision of the interior.
Plastic fonts are available in a variety of colors, which allows you to choose the most suitable product. Neither temperature nor ultraviolet rays affect the color of the product..
Fonts made of plastic look pretty attractive. The brightness of the plastic gives the water poured into the tank a pleasant bluish or turquoise hue, which looks very beautiful. While swimming, you can enjoy the purity and transparency of water with pleasure..
The plastic font has an aesthetic appearance
Thus, modern fonts for baths and saunas made of polypropylene are characterized by durability, practicality, safety and excellent appearance. Such a purchase will delight you throughout the life of the product..