It’s easy and even pleasant to look after stretch ceilings, because the material for them is treated with antistatic compounds that prevent dust and dirt from settling. True, in practice they are still dirty. Over time, the gloss of varnish ceilings fades, spots from cigarette smoke, soot, fat and steam appear in the kitchen or bathroom, and children can leave marks by playing the ball or shooting with a water gun. If you know how to wash stretch ceilings, then you can easily cope with these problems.
- What you can not do when caring for stretch ceilings
- How to wash suspended ceilings
- How to wash and clean stretch ceilings
What you can not do when caring for stretch ceilings
Do not even doubt whether stretch ceilings can be washed – you can and should, if necessary. Just do not forget that they are made of delicate polymeric materials and therefore remember well that when caring for the stretch fabric you can not use:
- detergents containing abrasive fractions – mainly dry and paste-like cleaning compounds;
- scrapers, knives and other stabbing or cutting tools to remove droplets of grease and accumulations of dirt – one careless movement can pierce the canvas;
- harsh chemicals, household solvents, acetone and white spirit;
- any brushes, even soft ones: the broken bristles of a soft brush turn into an abrasive that is dangerous for a PVC film.
How to wash suspended ceilings
Before cleaning, check the manufacturer’s instructions on how to wash the suspended ceilings installed in your apartment. Experiments with detergents that do not match a specific material are fraught with irreversible consequences from discoloration or discoloration to sagging of the stretch fabric.
In most cases, neutral, well-foaming liquid detergents for washing dishes or windows are suitable. This is an economical option..
When choosing a product, be sure to use it for washing stretch ceilings.
Special sprays for washing stretch ceilings, which can be bought at any supermarket, are slightly more expensive, but more reliable and effective. They include ammonia and antistatic agents. Alcohol-containing products are especially effective when washing glossy ceilings, and the antistatic agent refreshes the dust-repellent properties of any fabric. For a glossy ceiling, you can purchase special polishes that are applied after washing and drying. When choosing a product, make sure, having studied the inscriptions on the label, that it is intended for washing film coatings.
Before using the detergent, be sure to test it for compatibility with the material of your ceiling. To do this, apply it to a small area in an inconspicuous place. If after drying completely there are no spots or stains, it can be used.
Do not use hard brushes to wash stretch ceilings, use only soft cloths made of fiber cloth, flannel or silky smooth fibers
Finally, given that brushes for cleaning film materials are not recommended, use exclusively soft microfiber, flannel, silky fiber wipes or soft finely porous sponges.
How to wash and clean stretch ceilings
The right decision on how to clean stretch ceilings is selected depending on the type and texture of the film material from which they are made: each requires its own cleaning method.
To remove light dust and minor contaminants from the stretch ceiling, just wipe it with a microfiber fiber or suede soaked in a soft cloth dipped in clean warm water and well wrung out. After wet cleaning, wipe dry. Minor stains, if any, can be removed with a cloth soaked in 10% ammonia or vodka.
To remove very strong contaminants in warm water, a small amount of detergent is diluted and, having moistened a soft cloth or sponge in the solution, wash off the dirt with careful circular movements without pressure. Then the coating is washed again with clean water and wiped dry. Gloss of lacquered glossy ceilings is restored with ammonia solution, window cleaner or special polish.
To remove strong contaminants from the stretch ceiling, it is enough to dilute the detergent in warm water and with a soft circular motion with a sponge or using a mop to wash off the dirt from the cloth
To remove stains of grease and soot from stretch ceilings in the kitchen, you can use a solution of any liquid detergent for washing dishes or ammonia-containing detergents for washing glass products. Having moistened a soft, lint-free cloth in the solution, remove dirt with light movements along the seam. Rinse off any remaining detergent with clean water and wipe dry..
Glossy stretch ceilings in the bathroom have to be washed more often than in other rooms. Turbid spots from drying condensate can be easily removed from the gloss without leaving a trace with a lint-free silky but absorbent fabric. From this point of view, frosted ceilings in the bathroom are more practical, since they almost do not require time and effort.
Stubborn stains made from rough matte or suede canvases can be removed with a cleaning agent for stretch ceilings or a regular school eraser
The most troublesome thing is cleaning the dirt on the ceilings made of polyester suede or white rough matte film. Using a cleaning agent for stretch ceilings of this type, apply it to the stain, and then gently, without pressing, wipe it with a silky smooth cloth that does not leave fibers on the rough surface. You can also use a dry cleaning product in aerosol packaging, which can be purchased at the car shop.
Finally, the easiest and most affordable way to dry clean dull and shaggy film ceilings is a regular household vacuum cleaner, which is in every home. Just refrain from using brushes, it is better to use a wide smooth nozzle and turn on the vacuum cleaner at medium power. When working with an insufficiently smooth nozzle, turn on the vacuum cleaner at full power and vacuum the ceiling at a distance of about 10 cm from the surface. Small spots can be removed from a rough surface by gently rubbing with a regular school eraser.
Remember that the stretch ceiling should be washed only when it is really required. Daily wet cleaning of the apartment will protect the ceiling from pollution. In a well-kept clean apartment, to maintain the perfect condition of the suspended ceilings, it is enough to lightly wet them every two years..