Dreaming of creating an oasis of beauty on their site, many owners are eyeing roses. These flowers can decorate the most faceless corner. But for some reason, many have the prejudice that caring for roses is complex and time consuming. In fact, it all depends on the correct planting, the choice of variety and place. If you follow the simple rules that will be discussed in the article, in a year or two your humble plot will turn into a blooming Eden. So, roses – planting and caring for them.
- We buy roses: selection rules
- Where are the best seedlings sold
- Which seedlings are better: in pots or with an open root system
- Grade labeling
We buy roses: selection rules
Where are the best seedlings sold
The first step to creating paradise on the site is to buy flowers. Today, seedlings can be purchased in online stores, in markets, in retail outlets, from the hands of grandmothers, etc. If you trust grandmothers or market traders, then in 90% of cases from varietal English roses of unusual lilac colors you will get traditional red or pink. Believe only in the photograph that is attached to the seedling, not worth it. In addition, you will not find out in what conditions the roses were stored, what were grafted on, etc. The ideal place for shopping is nurseries that grow plants, or private breeders. You can use the Internet, but buy only in those outlets that work directly with the manufacturer and post on the site full information about each variety and its characteristics.
Which seedlings are better: in pots or with an open root system
On sale you can see three options for rose seedlings:
- with an open root system;
- with a lump of land wrapped in black polyethylene;
- in containers.
Open roots quickly dry, so the degree of survival of seedlings is poor
The plants from containers are best taken root because they are planted together with the ground without damaging the roots. If you were late with your purchase in April-early May, then from the middle of the month and in the summer you should buy only roses in pots. The rest are taken much worse due to the heat.
After the potted seedlings, in the second place according to survival rate are roses wrapped in film. The root system is covered with loose soil, saturated with water, which helps maintain the desired humidity and does not overdry the plant.
The film, which is wrapped in roots, holds moist soil, creating normal conditions for the survival of rose seedlings
The weakest in terms of survival are seedlings with open roots. They need to be planted immediately, on the day of purchase, or placed in a cold basement.
Grade labeling
The third selection criterion is the condition of the aerial part of the rose. Better and healthier will be roses of variety A, which have three or more powerful shoots. Grade B roses have either 2 strong shoots, or 3, but unequal in thickness. They take root worse.
Be sure to read the plant’s label. The “rose inside leaf” badge marked ADR indicates that this variety is disease resistant and frost-resistant. It is these plants that are worth buying on the site.
We are looking for a place for a rose: planting and care in the first week
Choosing the territory for the rosary
Even before buying seedlings, you should take care of the place where they have to grow. Rosa is sun-loving, so she feels great in open areas. True, some varieties, due to the abundance of scorching rays, quickly fade and can change the color of inflorescences to a paler (burn out). The best option is a place where for some time the flower will remain in partial shade. It’s enough 5-6 hours a day under the sun to develop normally.
High humidity is harmful to the bush, so do not create dense plantings around it that interfere with ventilation. Leaves after rain should dry quickly, otherwise fungal diseases can not be avoided. But strong drafts should still be avoided. In summer, they do not particularly interfere, but in winter they freeze overhead shoots. Choose a place where the north side is covered by a building, a dense fence or large trees, but not near a flower bed, but three meters further.
A sunny place promotes enhanced blooming of the rose, but the flowers may lose their bright color
Soil requirements
Rosa loves a soil rich in humus and trace elements with a low level of acidity (up to 7.5 pH). At least half a meter inland, the ground should be fertile. If clay is below, then cover it with a sand layer that will remove excess moisture and cover it with fertile soil (you can use special soil for the rosary).
If you plant flowers in the same place where roses were previously sitting, although this is highly recommended, then remove the entire layer of earth by half a meter. Diseases and pests are already living in it, which hit the old roses and calmly continue their activities on new plantings. Change the soil completely, otherwise the bushes will hurt.
If all of the above requirements could not be fulfilled, then do not tune in that the flowers will be killed soon. They adapt to not the most ideal living conditions, but the height of the bush and the abundance of flowering may decrease. Fulfill at least 3 requirements: do not thicken plantings, do not plant in the shade and in low places where moisture stagnates after rain.
Light earth passes oxygen well, necessary for the development of the root system of roses
Planting seedlings
If the rose is purchased with an open root system, lower it for an hour in a container of water, where a few drops of a growth stimulator are added. Expand the seedling in the film, clear of the soil and spread the roots (they are usually folded in half). Spill the bush in the container with water, wait until completely absorbed, and remove with a lump of earth. If the roots are intertwined too closely, slightly stir them by combing them with a nail or something sharp. See how moist the root system is. If the roots and soil are dry below, dip the rose in a bucket of water for 5-10 minutes.
When the seedling is prepared, proceed to planting. Dig a hole in the flowerbed. Its depth should be such that the place of grafting (a convex thickening at the transition from the roots to the stems) is hidden in the ground by 5 cm for tea and shrub roses, by 7-10 cm – for climbing and tall.
The vaccination site should be completely hidden in the ground, so that after subsidence of the soil it is not exposed
If you plant a rose with an open root system, then in the center of the pit pour a mound of fertile soil and “plant” a seedling on it so that the roots lie along the hill. Straighten them with your hands and lay them comfortably so as not to interfere with each other. Roses from containers are simply put in a hole so that the vaccine is in the right place.
Some gardeners recommend pruning too long stem roots before planting to stimulate the formation of lateral, smaller roots. This can only be done with bushes whose roots you see and can determine how long they are.
Having set the bush in a hole, it is covered with earth and spilled from a watering can with small holes on the nose.
Tip. If during the day the temperature is understood above 20 degrees, the seedlings will suffer from heat. It is better to wait for a cloudy day to land (if the roots of the rose are in the ground), although plants with an open root system will have to be planted immediately, otherwise they will dry. In this case, cover the seedlings with lutrasil (but do not wrap!) Or surround them with green branches of already blossoming trees.
Care for the rose garden in the first week after planting
If planting was carried out in the fall, then each bush needs to be spud about 15-20 cm in height. So you protect the branches from frost, and in the spring the earth will retain the desired moisture.
When planting plants in bloom (and such seedlings are sold only in the summer), the bushes are protected from the sun all week. Weakened petals can get sunburn, because the flow of moisture from the roots is disturbed. And if roses are not pritenit, the plant will discard the color and upper leaves.
After planting, rose roses are tied up by digging a wooden stake next to a seedling. This is necessary so that during the wind an immature tree does not turn out with roots. The ties are fixed not in one place, but separately on the trunk and crown. It is better to use elastic materials that will not crash into the rose. Fit old women’s nylon tights, cut into wide strips.
The first year of planting roses: growing and care
In the first year, prickly beauties only take root, and not all of them will please with flowering. But this does not need to be required. It is much more important that the bushes grow a powerful root system, form healthy stems and leave for the winter with good immunity. Therefore, in the year of planting, the following roses are taken care of in the garden.
Watering frequency: weather dependent
In our climate, where there is enough rain, rose bushes manage to store moisture and do not require frequent watering. The only period when watering is indispensable is the survival time of seedlings, and even then, if it is hot. Once the flowers have grown and formed a beautiful bush, watered only in a dry summer.
Watering Rules
Roses are watered under the root with warm, settled water from a watering can with a small spray
- You can not pour on the leaves, but only under the root.
- The best time is morning..
- After heavy rain the soil is loosened.
- To avoid drying out of the soil, it is mulched.
Options and frequency of dressing
If the bushes were planted in autumn, then the first top dressing with special fertilizer for roses is carried out in late March, and the second in June. Spring seedlings fertilize in the summer. You can get by with organics, but these flowers love only horn shavings and cow dung. They feed in the terms indicated above, and add one more – in October.
Traditional mineral dressings are also possible. They feed nitrogen in the spring until mid-summer, and potassium in early autumn. Potash fertilizers strengthen the frost resistance of the bushes, which is why they are applied in the fall.
Will the garden rose remain: care and struggle against wild bushes
Most varietal roses are vaccinated on rose hips, which have a higher immunity and resistance to fungal infections. Sometimes (usually for 3 years) “peasant” origin makes itself felt by the appearance of wild shoots. So called branches that extend from the roots below the site of vaccination, and are wild shoots that do not have signs of variety. On them are small and light leaves (like rose hips), which immediately differ from the main branches. They are struggling with the overgrowth, as it takes a lot of food from varietal branches and weakens the bush. To completely eradicate the unexpected “neighbor”, you need to unearth the place where he got out, to the roots and cut with secateurs. If you cut off only the aerial part, then the savage forms several more kidneys and gives each new shoot.
When pruning is needed
- The first pruning is done immediately before planting (except for roses in containers). The ends of the stems are trimmed 3-4 cm, as they dry out a little during the winter.
- In the summer, fading flowers are constantly removed. If the variety forms flower brushes, then cut off the branch on which they hold.
- The last pruning is before winter. It is carried out only for those varieties that need shelter to make the bush more compact.
Pruning should stimulate the development of the bush, and not weaken it
Climbing roses: care and reproduction
The most unpretentious group are climbing roses. The main thing for them is to build a support, because the height of the plants can reach 3 meters. As a rule, these varieties are root-bearing, so you can easily cut the shoots and sprinkle with earth (almost completely) in order to get young seedlings in spring. Most climbing roses do not require shelter and can stay on the trellis all winter.
Climbing roses grow 1.5-2 meters per year, hiding the most nondescript areas of the site
If roses have taken root, this does not mean that they will withstand the winter. Do not forget to cover the varieties that need it and sprinkle branches on the ground so that the plants calmly survive the frosts.