What wallpaper to choose for the nursery
Wallpaper for the hall, bedrooms, corridors and kitchens are chosen with relative ease. But when it comes to decorating the personal space of a beloved child, many parents nervously scratch the back of their head. What wallpaper to choose for the nursery? What you should pay attention to, what aspects to consider? Let’s try to figure it out.
- Safety First
- Choosing a wallpaper material for a nursery
- Paper: an extensive selection plus security
- Non-woven – strength, colorful
- Liquid for future artists
- Vinyl buy for other rooms
Safety First
Mandatory wallpaper must have a manufacturer’s certificate confirming their environmental friendliness. Conformity of products to the high requirements of sanitary standards and the absence of substances dangerous to the health of an immature child organism in them is a green light for purchase. Choosing – do not skimp, try to choose a truly high-quality material. Indeed, in a room a child does not just sit, lies, plays, he sleeps there. For a night’s rest, a healthy microclimate in the surrounding area is very important..
Choosing a wallpaper material for a nursery
The modern buyer is quite spoiled for assortment of wallpapers: vinyl, non-woven, liquid, jute, paper, textile … What to prefer for a children’s room?
Paper: an extensive selection plus security
Perhaps the best option. Maximum compliance with all safety requirements and a rich assortment – their main trump card.
Of course, to say that they are practical, the language will not turn … but who glues the wallpaper in the nursery for ten years?
Non-woven – strength, colorful
They are durable, environmentally friendly; repair with them is a real pleasure. Glue is applied directly to the wall, and the canvas “lay” dry. So you can observe the accuracy of the strip fitting – this is especially important when comparing the elements of a fairy tale.
Wallpaper for children: non-woven starry sky
Liquid for future artists
Long-lasting, practical, and most importantly – with them you can give free rein to your and children’s creativity. Create your own unique colorful ornament! Perhaps it is worth creating the original monotony? Let young Picasso create with impunity: any masterpieces can be easily removed from liquid wallpaper.
Vinyl buy for other rooms
The subject of heated debate in many parent forums. Someone is touched by their external attractiveness, someone rejects them because of their unnaturalness. Do you doubt it? So it’s worth shifting your gaze to something else. Such wallpapers are still better suited for non-residential areas of the apartment (house) – corridor, kitchen, hall.
Important! Definitely not worth buying any foamed samples. Such a purchase is not justified either from the point of view of aesthetics (playful children’s hands just ask to pick them up), or from the point of view of safety (“crumbled” elements can get into the child’s airways).
Attention to age
Start repairing in the nursery? And how many days, months, years your child? Certain age aspects should definitely be considered:
- there is nothing better for babies than plain, not elaborate wallpapers;
- Three-year-olds will like wallpapers with expressive thematic drawings;
- for a child from 5 years old, educational, informative samples or, again, themed fullness of the interior are suitable.
Educational wallpaper for children
Important! Even a three-year-old child, and more adult – and even more so, has formed taste preferences. Let the child actively participate in the selection of materials. Let the little man feel his worth.
The most difficult thing is to choose wallpaper for the room when your son or daughter is already a teenager. Without them, it is not advisable to make a purchase – otherwise, repairs can turn into another problem of “fathers and children”. Just let the heir understand that his choice is very serious, and in case of a change of views (hobbies) no one will redo anything.
Also do not forget that children are, first of all, boys and girls, with characteristic “sexual” preferences..
Color and figurative fullness of the nursery
The best color scheme for the nursery is moderately bright, calm tones. The design of the room should encourage the child to mental and play activity, but at the same time not to oppress the psyche and not to hurt the temperament. The nursery is a real fortress for its inhabitant. It should be warm, cozy and harmonious..
Psychologists say that phlegmatic and melancholic can be “rocked” by picking up wallpapers of warm colors. Cool chubby choleric can be calmer tones, but not dark.
Does a child like animals, birds, cartoons, fairy tales? Not a problem! Today, the range of wallpapers allows you to realize any childhood dream..
Important! Too frequent a picture can bore children’s consciousness, and it bothers quickly. Ideally, the wallpaper should have a single drawing (plot), which can be played in the interior. For example, the natural motif on the wall is ideally complemented by a green sofa that acts as a lawn.
A successful combination of the theme of wallpaper and the general nature of the interior
Try to choose a wallpaper so that then you will not be horrified by their incompatibility with furniture. Think through the entire interior to the smallest detail. Well-chosen wallpapers will help to zone the room on the game and training site, visually separate the place for rest. Be responsible for the practical side of the purchase – independently determine the type of wallpaper, and let the child of a conscious age adjust their gamut and theme. That is how you can avoid annoying misunderstandings and genuine childish grievances.