The roof is the most vulnerable construction of the house. It is most exposed to the external environment: sunlight, precipitation and mechanical stress. This is especially true for country houses, since most of the year they are unattended by the owner and there is no one to clean the snow in time or eliminate the malfunction. Therefore, the question of how to block the roof in the country and most often arises.
- Requirements for a country roof
- Checking the condition of the roof
- Dismantling the old roof
- Choosing a new roofing material
- Installation of metal
- Rebate roof
- Features of overlapping the roof with ondulin
- Roof from a flexible (bituminous) tile
Requirements for a country roof
To correctly and quickly block the roof in the country, you need to find answers to the questions: what should be the roof and how to block it in the easiest way? Let’s see what characteristics an optimal country roof should have:
1. Must be sufficiently resistant to environmental influences:
– to moisture – the house will have to transfer in the absence of the owner and rain, and snowfall;
– to the sun’s rays: by heating the roof, they greatly warm up the interior of the house in the hot season;
– to mechanical influences – strong gusty winds and a load of heavy snow cover.
2. Must have an aesthetic appearance as long as possible, since no one wants to repair it annually.
3. It should be inexpensive, since it is hardly worth investing a lot of money in a place of temporary (seasonal) rest.
Checking the condition of the roof
Renewing a leaky roof does not mean that it is enough just to replace the old roofing material with a new one. If the roof has been used for a couple of decades and if it periodically leaked, then before you start work you need to check the condition of the entire roof structure, namely:
- rafter system;
- waterproofing layer;
- thermal insulation materials;
- crate.
If it is planned to cover the roof with a new (different) roofing material, then the crate will have to be changed in any case, because the quality of installation works largely depends on the correctness of its creation.
In order for the newly-roofed roof to be of high quality, the waterproofing layer should also be updated. And if they will live in the house in winter time – it is necessary to change the thermal insulation. Basalt mineral wool is perfect for this..
Particular attention should be paid to checking the rafter system – the “skeleton” of the roof, because it is he who must withstand the weight of the lathing, heat and waterproofing layers and roofing. If leaks occurred, then most likely there are signs of decay on the rafters, so they need a partial or even a complete replacement. And, although in the latter case, the owner of the dacha will have to spend a lot of money, he will get in return the opportunity to change the appearance of the roof if desired: raise it, change the configuration, arrange an attic or increase the size of the attic.
Dismantling the old roof
Before you begin to close the roof in the country, you must dismantle the old coating and, if necessary, the rafter structure. First of all, all antennas, electrical wiring and chimneys are removed from the roof. If the roof was covered with metal sheets, they are removed using a hammer screwdriver or crowbar. Roof tides should also be changed..
Before closing the roof of the cottage with new roofing material, it is necessary to dismantle the old
The rolled old coating is cut into strips with a knife, and then with special scissors. The cut strips are separated with a crowbar from the roof and rolled up. If the roof was covered with slate, then its dismantling begins with the removal of the ridge elements. Fasteners are removed with a nail gun or screwdriver. Asbestos cement sheets begin to be removed from the ridge row, horizontally. At the end, the overhangs of steel and valley are removed.
If the roof was tiled, then first of all they remove the ridge tiles and then move horizontally to the overhang. First you need to cut the fastening wire. For ease of movement, the running boards are laid. To disassemble the rafters and crates, axes, crowbars and electric saws are used.
Choosing a new roofing material
It is not difficult to choose the type of roof based on the required characteristics, since now many modern roofing materials are presented in construction stores, differing in structure, properties, installation method and cost. Slate is no longer used as often as before, because it revealed its health hazard if it is not treated properly. In addition, it is quite fragile and unattractive in appearance.
It can be replaced with other wavy sheets (based on bitumen) – ondulin. A large assortment of metal roofing: corrugated board, metal tile, steel sheets. The roof can also be covered with a modern and attractive soft roof, either with classic natural tiles or polymer shim imitating it. Natural tile looks, of course, solid, but it is not often used for country roofs, since it costs a lot and weighs a lot. Summer residents prefer simpler materials. Consider a few of them.
Installation of metal
Metal tile is a very popular roofing material today. This beautiful and reliable coating is lightweight, resistant to aggressive environments, UV rays and corrosion. The material is easily cut, drilled, mounted. If the choice fell on him, then the old roof is completely dismantled, the crate and the waterproofing layer are removed. Leave only the rafter structure.
Metal – one of the most popular modern roofing materials.
The metal roof refers to light roofs. Thanks to profiling, the sheets are characterized by sufficient rigidity, so for their installation does not need a continuous crate. A new crate is made of beams of 40×40 mm and a pitch of 400 mm. When fastening it, you need to align the sag.
A special anti-condensate film recommended by the manufacturer of the metal tile is attached to the crate with a stapler. She does not pass moisture, but absorbs it, evaporating subsequently. Next is the laying of metal.
Rebate roof
Galvanized steel is a roofing material that is very often used in Russia. It is easy to operate, relatively inexpensive, allows you to create roofs of any geometry. The roof of a rolled or sheet steel is mounted according to the fold technology: the connection of the coating elements is carried out by creating special seams – folds. The folds can be single and double, standing and lying. Roofers consider double standing seam to be the most waterproof and sealed..
The folded roof is mounted by a special method, allowing you to combine the sheets in a sealed type of coating – folds
The slope of the roof when using technology of seam seams – more than 14 degrees. If the slope is less, then without fail you need to arrange a solid base using a double fold and sealing it with silicone sealant.
The traditional technology of folding roofs using special hammers is being replaced today by new technology, using power tools, and this significantly increases productivity and quality of joints.
Features of overlapping the roof with ondulin
Unlike many roofing materials, ondulin has pronounced sound-absorbing properties, and this is important when arranging an attic on the roof. At a relatively moderate cost, it is very durable. The material is soft (made from cellulose and fiberglass), it can be sawn with a conventional saw on wood or with a jigsaw. Therefore, it is recommended to make a crate for it with a frequent cross-section, which will provide the ondulin with the required rigidity, thereby increasing its resistance to snow loads in winter and to rain water in summer.
Ondulin can be laid on top of the old roof. This improves the thermal and sound insulation of the roof.
Ondulin is laid in horizontal rows from below. It is overlapped, in a “checkerboard” order, which will give additional stability of the entire structure to gusts of wind. Special nails are provided for ondulin, if there are none or few in the kit, they will be bought at the rate of 20 nails per sheet. Each wave of material is fastened in the first row, and in the next rows, nails are already driven through one wave.
Roof from a flexible (bituminous) tile
The basis of bitumen shingles is fiberglass, which is impregnated and covered with a special roofing bitumen. On the inside of the tile, a layer of self-adhesive bitumen mass is applied, and on the outside – a coating layer that gives the material the desired color.
When installing flexible tiles, each tile is additionally lapped to the base with roofing nails. Layers of tiles gradually sinter in the sun, forming a completely sealed roofing. Since bitumen shingles also apply to light roofs, the crate and waterproofing under it are made the same as under the metal tile.
Under the influence of sunlight, bituminous tiles are sintered and form a sealed roofing
Bituminous tiles can be of various modifications – with increased frost resistance or resistance to fire. For example, for the northern regions, you can choose a tile from SBS bitumen: it easily tolerates temperatures between -35 ° – + 110 ° C.
Ceiling the roof of a summer house is no easier than building a new one. Here, it is important to combine the right choice of roofing materials with competent installation, so that the updated roof serves and decorates your favorite summer house for many years and, most importantly, without repair.