
Bathroom Idea

The apartments, which are located in the secondary housing market, mostly have small areas, with small kitchens and very small toilets and bathrooms. But here, as a rule, temporarily unnecessary things are stored here, and they also want to squeeze a washing machine here, and yet there is very little space. Almost all repairs to the bathroom and toilet are done when they already begin to realize that it is no longer possible to live like this. The search for solutions and ideas takes a lot of time. In order to find them, we usually consult with friends and look for original ideas on the Internet. Everyone wants to have something original and individual. After all, these premises can be called intimate premises. When using these places, a person wants to receive pleasure, and to wash off the burden of everyday worries while renewing himself spiritually and physically.

For the uninitiated, we say right away that updating the bathroom is a very costly process, while also requiring a lot of physical costs. After all, everyone wants to have a very functional and original room, where the latest and latest trends in fashion and technical thought are embodied.

We combine the bathroom

In order to increase the area and make the use of the bathroom more comfortable, we suggest combining the toilet and the bathroom. Thanks to this combination, space is freed up for the installation of a washing machine or other necessary equipment. Before starting repair work, the walls must be cleaned of old tiles and old paint, if any. We carry out the dismantling of the dividing wall and remove the garbage resulting from our destructive activity from the apartment. If you take on the execution of this work, you can save quite a lot.

Metal-plastic partition

If there is a need to separate the residential part from the future bathroom, then we install a partition from a metal-plastic double-glazed window. Thanks to which we close several questions at once:

• sealing is provided, which is very important for temperature changes and high humidity;

• additional noise isolation is provided, now that you will sing in the bathroom while taking a shower, this will not frighten your neighbors and family members;

• Savings are achieved due to the fact that one door is bought, not two;

• Significant cost savings due to the fact that there is no need for wall decoration, because the glass does not need painting or additional decoration.

But installation work requires special knowledge, so you are unlikely to succeed in doing it yourself. To do this, you need to attract specialists. When ordering partitions, special attention should be paid to the selection of the color of the plastic. Next, let’s talk about glasses. It is necessary to install a double glazing, and the side facing the living area is better to be tinted, the other side needs to be mirrored, if desired, you can make both sides mirrored. At the same time, mirrors have the ability to increase space.

If in the bathroom, instead of the usual bathtub, a shower cabin is installed, then you can save space. In addition, if you take a shower instead of a bath, you can save a lot of money on saving water, and at constantly rising prices, this is an important factor.

An original bathroom in a contemporary style is a delight and a place that will increase the purchase value of your living space..

Bathroom Idea