
Choosing the right local lighting

How fast do you get tired of reading a book or work? If fatigue overcomes you fairly quickly, the reason for it may lie in improper local lighting. Let’s look at the different ways in which you can achieve proper local lighting.

Local workplace lighting

Improper interior lighting has become one of the main reasons for complaints. Much depends on competent lighting of the workplace, for example, eye strain, regardless of whether you work in the office or knit at home. With insufficient lighting, the eyes require more tension, which leads to stress and fatigue. Therefore, achieving optimal local lighting plays an important role..

It is important to consider not only the main light flow of the workplace, but also the general background lighting. Many experts consider such lighting to be extremely important, since how the workplace will be allocated in the surrounding world depends on it. The best option is a diffused ceiling lighting. However, it is important to understand that it should not be excessively bright: it is good when the work area is twice as illuminated as the rest of the room.

A fairly common mistake is the installation of lamps at eye level. This is not their best location, since increased glare and contrast negatively affect fatigue. The use of lamps with too high a power leads to the same consequences, since intense lighting also negatively affects the overall level of fatigue..

The surrounding colors and the surface of the desktop in a certain way affect our organs of vision. Experts recommend choosing natural wood with a non-shiny light coating as the material for the table. And the ceiling, floor and walls are desirable to be grayish-white. A lamp located behind the back is well suited to illuminate the workplace, especially if its location avoids casting a shadow.

Proper local desktop lighting

Experts recommend not sitting parallel to the window. Although the sunshine is pleasant, our eyes are tired of it. And if they also have increased sensitivity, then it is worth using curtains and artificial lighting..

If you sit with your back to the window, then the shadow will be cast right in front of you. Whether the lighting is natural or artificial, it should not give shade. To avoid glare, you can find the optimal angle of rotation of the chair and table: it should be at least 50 degrees between the direction of direct look and the window.

Local lighting when working on a computer

Many people working at a computer complain of blurred and burning eyes, and their tiredness and headaches are also the subject of their complaints. In order to somehow avoid such side effects, it is important to follow the advice of specialists.

Lighting should not be too bright. If you are in a small room, then a single bulb of 60 watts will be enough. If you use a chandelier, then you can turn on only half of its potential. Direct sunlight should not fall on the monitor..

Today, glare-absorbing mobile monitors are available in which you can adjust the brightness and contrast, as well as select the appropriate font size. Try to take full advantage of this type of technique. The brightness of the screen should be several times higher than the lighting in the room. In this case, it is important to adjust the contrast: letters should be 5 times brighter than the rest of the background.

If you are reading something, then place the material on one level with the screen – this will allow you not to look. It is important to remember that after every hour of work at the computer you need to take a break of at least 10 minutes. In addition, experts advise blinking. You can intentionally blink for about a minute before starting work.

Proper local lighting largely depends on our situation. You should have an adjustable chair, and the monitor should be at a suitable height. The document should be placed not far from the screen. The correct arrangement of the table and keyboard will allow your hands to work comfortably.

The most common errors in the case of improper location at the computer are the following. Documents are too low, and the work surface is high. The forearms and wrists are not supported, and the hands and keyboard are located quite high. Poor back support or hard stools may cause discomfort..

If you are working at a computer, then proper local lighting will save vision and make working conditions much more pleasant.

Choosing the right local lighting