The interior and design of the bath
A wooden bathhouse is a full range of wellness procedures combined with a wonderful opportunity for an unforgettable vacation, getting rid of the burden of everyday worries and accumulated fatigue. Even newfangled SPA salons cannot replace the rejuvenating effect of a real Russian bath, where you can not only steam up, wash off the negativity of a dusty metropolis, but also chat with friends. But all this is possible only if the design of the bath meets certain requirements. The interior needs to be thought out in such a way that this wonderful place becomes a real guide to the world of untouched nature and the best way to forget about the vanity of everyday reality at least for a while.
- What should be the design of the Russian bath?
- Inside bath design: components
- The stove is the heart of any bath
- Shelves – functional element
- Doors are important too!
- Lighting Options
- Russian bath: flooring design
- Ceiling and walls: decoration
What should be the design of the Russian bath?
Thinking over the internal situation, it does not matter if it is the design of the relaxation room in the bathhouse or the steam room interior, you should adhere to some rules:
- when arranging, it is necessary to use simple lines that emphasize comfort and convenience. You should not use elaborate, unusual forms and flashy, annoying shades;
- you need to think about the interior design of the bathhouse so that the look does not cling to unnecessary details, try to smooth the corners of the rooms or, at least, not to demonstrate their presence. The atmosphere is influenced unfavorably by elements focusing on isolation and the small size of the room;
- the best material for the bath is wood. Wood not only perfectly absorbs moist heat, but also has a therapeutic effect on the body. For the manufacture of furniture hardwood is especially good: linden, aspen, pine.
You need to know! Of course, you can use artificial materials for decoration, but then the healing effect will be hopelessly lost.
The interior of the bathhouse should be thought out to the smallest detail, every detail is of decisive importance, carries some secret meaning. And it will help to choose the design of the bath inside the photo selection presented below:
Inside bath design: components
The interior of any room consists of many components. Let’s consider them in more detail..
The stove is the heart of any bath
As you know, the main feature, the center of the Russian bath is the stove. The stove, traditionally made of red brick, is in perfect harmony with the wooden cladding of the ceiling and walls..
By and large, the furnace does not need additional decor, but the furnace zone can be decorated with stone or glass.
Shelves – functional element
Shelves – a special item that helps you enjoy your vacation to the maximum. The flooring should not be made of solid, solid wood. It is recommended to use narrow boards, the clearance between which will be within 2-3 cm. This is necessary not only to create uniform lighting, but also for air circulation. For the same reason, flashing side shelves should not be done..
You need to know! If the shelves are hung from the side walls, a large amount of air, light appears, the space visually expands.
Doors are important too!
Thinking over the interior design of the bath, pay special attention to the doors. Preferred glass doors are tempered tinted glass with a thickness of at least 8 mm. Such a door is tight and will not allow hot air to leave the room. Do not forget that doors should not open inwards..
Lighting Options
Creating the right lighting is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. The light should be even and soft, should not blind eyes. Lamps are best placed in different places above the upper shelves. If the steam room is small, then two lamps with a power of 40-60 W are more than enough. You need to understand that several fixtures are placed not for brightness, but to create uniform illumination of the bath.
Lighting can be created with the help of different lamps, allowing to realize any fantasies and turn the bath into a magic corner, where peace prevails. Below is the design of the bath: photos of lighting options that may be useful in interior design.
Russian bath: flooring design
As already noted, the design of baths and saunas involves taking into account many nuances, and flooring is by no means an exception. Many do floor in the bath wooden, but this is not practical: the tree becomes dirty quickly, even if you walk in slippers or barefoot. It is impossible to cover the floor with varnish, even high-quality varnish releases toxic substances when heated. Therefore, the best option would be to tile the floor and conduct a heating system. In such a bath, the floor will always be warm and clean..
Ceiling and walls: decoration
For some reason, it is widely believed that it is undesirable to use several types of wood in the interior of the bath, the steam room, supposedly from this, will take on a somewhat lurid look. This is an erroneous statement, because a competent combination of several colors and species of wood can create an amazing picture of the environment. You can use light wood for the ceiling, and dark wood for the walls. It looks very interesting
Color in the interior of the bath
The color palette is of great importance for the design. Here, too, have their own rules. So, if you ask in the search for the design of the baths: a photo, you can see that most of the time in the interior light, pastel colors prevail. This is no accident: unobtrusive shades contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of peace and harmony..
You need to know! Also preferred for the bath are lilac, brown, yellow.
But this does not mean that you need to abandon the bright accents. Fans of an invigorating bath, when the goal is to recharge with positive energy, will like juicy shades of red or saturated orange. It can be napkins or towels – you decide.
In this situation, the furniture should be selected taking into account the lining, wooden parts are often covered with stain and varnished..
They do not argue about tastes, as they say. This truth allows you to create an interior unlike what you saw earlier, individual. Someone dreams of a large stove and the effect of the “northern lights” on the ceiling, but someone is impressed by the design of the bath with a pool. Everything will depend entirely on your preferences. An interior made with a soul will bring joy not only to you, but also to everyone who decides to visit the coveted islet of body and soul cleansing – a bath, after which you feel like born again.