How to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling
Wallpapering the ceilings is a fairly popular decoration method. It is not only beautiful and fashionable, but also practical. The principle of carrying out such work is largely similar to gluing walls, but there are still its own nuances and features. If you do not know how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling or doubt your abilities, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for carrying out such repairs.
- Choosing the best option
- How to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling
- Surface preparation for finishing
- We mark the ceiling
- Getting started gluing
Choosing the best option
The best option for pasting the ceiling are ceiling or embossed wallpaper. Their main difference from the usual ones is a special manufacturing technology based on the use of dense two-layer paper, which perfectly hides bumps and creates a perfectly even and smooth surface on the ceiling..
Special wallpaper for the ceiling is available only in white, but they have over 200 texture options. Such wallpapers can be found in any store in Russia, however in Europe you cannot find such a product, since it is customary to use wallpaper for painting for these purposes.
The service life of ceiling wallpaper is about 5 years. After this time (and maybe earlier) they become dull, covered with dust and soot (if they smoke and cook in the room). It is impossible to paint such wallpapers, as well as to wash. The only option is to remove them and stick new ones.
Although non-woven imported wallpapers are more expensive, they can be painted (up to 10 times). So before you make your choice, think ten times.
Wallpaper design option
The option of decorating the ceiling with imported wallpaper
How to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling
So, we go directly to the process itself.
Surface preparation for finishing
The ceiling before gluing must be dry and clean, so the first thing to do is to remove the old wallpaper, paint or lime.
- Delete the wallpaper
With proper gluing, old wallpapers should lag behind the ceiling without any problems, but if they are firmly held and do not want to be removed, they need to be cut with a sharp knife and moistened with water from a spray bottle. After such “water procedures” they will easily depart.
- Remove paint
Paint, unlike paper, keeps tight and it is not so easy to get rid of it. Therefore, you can not remove it, but simply thoroughly wash the surface with soap, dry it and clean it with fine-grained sandpaper. After that, it is worth checking the paint for durability – glue a piece of adhesive tape to the ceiling and sharply tear it off. If the tape is clean, then you can begin to work, otherwise, you will have to remove the paint.
- Remove the lime
If the lime layer is thick enough, then you can just scrape it off with a spatula, and if the layer is thin, wash it off as follows: with a wide brush and hot water, moisten the ceiling, take a rag in half an hour and start washing. The lime is perfectly removed.
- Ceiling Putty
If your ceiling has slight bumps or minor defects, you can even them out with plaster putty. If there are large flaws (strong slope, plate difference, etc.), it is recommended to level it with drywall.
- Primer Ceiling
But the surface must be primed, then the wallpaper will hold on tightly and the ceiling will breathe. Upon completion of all preparatory work, turn off the power to the apartment, otherwise … well, you yourself know what could happen.
We mark the ceiling
Wallpaper on the ceiling must be glued parallel to the light, that is, in the direction from the window. If done differently, the joints will be noticeable, but we do not need this. On the ceiling by the window with a pencil, mark a line equal to the width of the roll. We do the same on the opposite side. Then with the help of a rope and an assistant we connect these two marks into one solid line.
Remove the ceiling lamp, so it will be easier for you to glue the wallpaper.
Getting started gluing
Having measured the required length (+ a small allowance on the walls), we smear the canvas with glue.
Important: glue for ceiling wallpaper should have a thick, viscous consistency.
In order for the cloth to be better saturated with the adhesive, it needs to be folded in half for several minutes. Do not forget that all future bands will need to be soaked in the same way and for the same time as the first.
If you use non-woven wallpaper, then they are not smeared with glue, but put it directly on the ceiling. All this, in principle, is understandable and known to many, but here’s how to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, if there is no assistant? You can do it, but you’ll spend your strength on the sea! You can shred long canvases into smaller ones, but in this case your ceiling will turn into a continuous patch. And you can use props or any stick that is on hand as a props.
Gluing ceiling wallpaper without an assistant
If possible, we find an assistant and continue to work further. One stands on a stepladder, and the other brings up the canvas. We combine it with the drawn marking line and press it tightly, at the same time your assistant should do the same only from the opposite side. Then gently press the canvas in the center and proceed to smoothing. For these purposes, it is better to use a rubber roller. Cut off the excess with a sharp clerical knife or a straight spatula.
Wallpaper gluing with assistant
Gluing ceiling wallpaper with an assistant
The second and subsequent strips are glued butt to each other according to the same principle as the first. Make sure the seams are ironed as best as possible and do not puff..
Gluing wallpaper to the ceiling
If you notice that the adhesive accidentally squeezed out from under the wallpaper, then you must immediately remove it with a clean soft cloth, otherwise ugly spots may remain after drying.
In the place where the ceiling lamp hung, a small cut should be made on the canvas. Its size should be such that after installing the chandelier in place nothing was noticeable.
Important: installation of the ceiling lamp should be done only after the wallpaper has completely dried.
Now you know how to glue the ceiling wallpaper, which means you can start the preparatory work. Good luck!